Death comes for all; life is grasped by few. ~Chad Howse The immediacy of life is lost on generations not acquainted with death. (Read This: To Die Without Having Lived) Death used to be something we humans knew very closely. We saw it daily or weekly and in gruesome fashion. In parts of the world […]
Men Were Born to Fight
A man’s role is protector and defender. ~Chad Howse Do you think men and women have pre-defined roles? (Read This: 3 Fundamentals of True Manliness) Of course we do and we have for millennia. The reasons are simple and scientific. As humans in tribes our goal was to gain power. Power meant safety for our […]
Are You Living or Existing?
It’s freedom that we humans crave. It’s victory that we desire. It’s mediocrity that we’ve been TRAINED TO ACCEPT. ~Chad Howse Most exist. Few live. (Read This: 5 Ways to Live an Unrealistic Life) Who are you of those two options? Are you living or existing? If you’re living you should be exhausted at day’s […]
The Pursuit of Something Worth Dying For
Audacious goals require both the balls to take that first step and the toughness to endure the millionth. ~Chad Howse [Tweet “Audacious goals require both the balls to take that first step and the toughness to endure the millionth.”] Most will never even take that first step; fewer even will ever take the last. (Read […]
The Real Man’s Most Important Virtue: Character
There is nothing more important than character; there is also nothing more difficult to find. ~Chad Howse Character is more important than knowledge. Yet it’s knowledge that we teach, and character that we expect to be learned through osmosis. Character, however, is rare. It’s how you act and who you are when it would be […]
The Code of Manhood
A man does what he must. The circumstances are irrelevant. -Chad Howse The difference between manhood and boyhood is that there are options in boyhood. You can say no, maybe you’re get grounded or the penalty for avoidance of one’s tasks really isn’t all that severe. (Read This: 12 Lessons on Manhood from Johnny Cash) Manhood […]
Comfort is the enemy of the man who wants to live a meaningful life. -Chad Howse I went on a hike the other day with a few pals out into the Rockies. It wasn’t anything incredibly arduous. Two of us had snowshoes, one goofball didn’t bring any, so we rotated using those fine contraptions that […]
5 Models of Manliness: How to Acquire the Virtues of Manliness
Hopefully we’ve all seen the Denzel flick, American Gangster. It’s a good film. One line in it, though, has stuck with me more than any other. In an attempt to spread some wisdom to his nephew who’s hanging around with the wrong guys and focusing on the wrong things, Denzel’s character brilliantly says, The loudest […]
10 Lessons Every Father Should Teach His Son
I was 4 years old, and I was getting picked on by a kid who was 6 years old. The kid would act as if he were my friend but push me around from time to time. I told my old man about it and, being a dad he gave me the advice I needed […]
Manliness Was Once Our Greatest Virtue
There are three books next to me on my desk and all three are written by or about great, wise men. Reading through each, I notice a consistent referral to a virtue that’s no longer spoken of in our society, or at least not as openly or as freely as it has been throughout human […]
You Can Withstand Anything
Our reality is more perception than real. What we believe to be true is often but a glimmer of what really is. When life seems devoid of light, of hope, as if there’s no end or no point to continuing on this long meaningless road, it’s within us to find an excuse, a glimmer of […]
A Man Is Wild At Heart
Suburbia freaks me out. The houses in rows. The picket fences. The stress and worry about things that matter little. The value placed on the new car in the driveway conveniently parked and washed as to let the neighbors know that you’re making more money than they, when in reality you owe more money than […]
7 Ways to Become a Better Man
I’m sitting in one of those leather cigar chairs with the dimples in the back-rest, writing, working, brimming with the guilt that comes with time away from my mission. I spent the last two days in the Canadian Rocky Mountains on what was one of the best golf trips I’ve had the pleasure to go on. […]
9 Lessons in Manhood from John Wayne
To watch a John Wayne movie is to take a course in masculinity. It’s to view the values in action that should be at the forefront of any man’s life. Values that are, by in large, fleeting in a society that’s losing it’s strong, masculine virtues and along with them it’s moral compass and worse, it’s […]
How Much Can You Know About Yourself If You’ve Never Been in a Fight?
Fighting isn’t macho. It’s not how a man proves himself to another man or how he proves himself to a lady. Fighting has nothing to do with anything but the individual and his desire to prove to himself that he can face his fears, that he can take the pain of getting hit and hit back. […]