Man Greens wasn’t some grand idea to create a business. To be honest, it happened completely out of necessity. I really do enjoy greens supplements. I like the idea of getting an influx of natural ingredients that are filled with nutrients into your system to support health and improve energy levels and so forth. I […]

What Does it Mean to Be a Real Man?
By Chad Howse
It’s often easier to figure out how not to do or be something than it is to figure out how to do or be something. There’s a caveat here, though… We’re not just trying to figure out what it means to be a real man. Within the context of manhood – and that creates certain […]

How to Stay Motivated After a Bad Break-up
By Chad Howse
How to stay motivated after a bad break-up Many men and young men are devastated by a break-up. Their future was planned out, certain, and now their notion of what their future would look like is over, and sometimes it hits the fella more than the female. The thing is, right around the time of […]

Seeking Wisdom from Darwin to Munger Book Review
By Chad Howse
“A man who has committed a mistake, and doesn’t correct it, is committing another mistake.” Confucius The quality of our decisions, our choices, determines the quality of our lives. We’ve all seen chronically bad decision-makers. They make decisions off of emotion like love, anger, rage, even jealousy or envy, and they continually find themselves in […]

This Quote Can Save Your Life
By Chad Howse
There’s a lot to be angry about right now… Businesses being told they can’t open… People forced to stay in their homes and cases rise, while other places are completely open and cases are declining… There is no amount of justice great enough to payback what governments are doing to people’s mental health, financial well-being, even our […]

Can you be happy AND driven?
By Chad Howse
There’s a fine line one must walk between being happy and content, and being ambitious and driven. It’s a difficult balance to find. To be only driven is to focus almost exclusively on what you do not have, which can distort your judgement, and success is merely the quality of your decisions. So by being exclusively driven, […]

how to break ANY bad habit (or start a good one)
By Chad Howse
The term ‘greatness’ is tossed around like a floosy these days… When I say greatness, I mean a combination of your potential and real greatness in history or modern times. We can’t JUST talk about our potential because we have no comprehension of just how great we can be. We think we’re relegated to be who we’ve […]

The 4 Motivation Killers You Must Destroy
By Chad Howse
Not everyone wants to be the best… But it’s a man’s duty to be his best…Being ‘his’ best, however, is likely something the world has never seen. We’ve never seen a man truly live out his potential. Some have come close… Maybe a Musk or Teddy Roosevelt, men who work tirelessly for some unknown reason, whose motion […]

How to Get What You Really Want in Life – Short Term vs Long Term
By Chad Howse
Effective self-help or development is choosing long term over short term… Or, choosing what will get you what you want in the long term instead of what you desire in the short term. Compound interest applies to nearly everything, not just investing. The decision to choose good habits has compounding effects over time. You may […]