When you can’t enjoy a moment without documenting it, you know you’re fucked. ~Chad Howse
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We need to feel insignificant and small. (Read This: Stop Being Such a Little Bitch)
It sounds counter-intuitive to the ways of our society, but it’s true. When we feel as such, as we have to when we’re out in nature, at the foot of a mountain or eye-to-eye with a grizzly or a bull moose, our problems and worries follow the same path of insignificance.
In my own life, when I thought I was done, lost, over, looking back they were merely small obstacles in a far greater mosaic of lessons, struggles, and trials.
They were tests.
In fact, they were necessary.
I can’t remember where I hear the quote, but it’s tantamount to…
If you remove one card that stack falls.
That is, if you remove one aspect from your life, who you are and who you’ve worked at becoming – if you haven’t worked at becoming anything you have no reason to even hint at complaining about your current state – crumbles along with it.
You are what you’ve endured.
The more you’ve endured with a smile on your face and while enacting some form of control in whichever way you can, the stronger you are.
The harder you work the more you realize that the bullshit comparisons we make to ourselves and our neighbors aren’t just useless, they’re destructive.
Work is the cure.
Facing fear is the cure.
Getting out in the world an finding clarity, real clarity that only nature can give.
So keep your head down, but not so much that you ignore the greatness and sheer awesomeness of everything in nature.
Read This: Quietly Become Great