Tired? No one cares.
I’m writing this and I’m tired. I don’t feel like writing, actually. I’d rather go lie down on my couch or click a link that will lead me to an article that I don’t need to read about a topic I have no business or no need to learn any more about. (Read This: The Most important Days to Train)
It’s these moments that make us.
They exist many times a day and the losers choose to reinforce the habit of following the link or lying on the couch or taking a break when it’s not yet time to do so.
Winners, they choose to work. Fuck the feelings and emotions that make them want to avoid the life they’re in pursuit of.
They are aware of these moments and they always choose work.
To choose avoidance and laziness is easy, it’s human nature. To CHOOSE to work hard and to focus goes against everything that feels good, but it’s a necessary choice if we’re to feel GREAT.
I’m writing this and that thought pops into my head just before I click the wrong link or shut the computer down for a quick 20-minute nap.
No one cares if you’re tired. (Read This: How to Win Against Procrastination and Laziness)
No one cares if you’re run down or if the odds are stacked against you.
So you shouldn’t care.
You shouldn’t care about these aspects of your psyche that was to sabotage what you’re chasing.
You shouldn’t listen to those internal voices that want to keep you small and fearful and insignificant.
Fuck ‘em.
Let them die out.
And every time you choose work over rest or focus over avoidance you strengthen the muscle required to make that choice innate.
In short, it becomes easier to be productive every time you CHOOSE to be productive.
But, and most people ignore this, who you are and the choices you make in life are on your shoulders.
Be aware of these moments that most people ignore as emotions and feelings that they’re enslaved to. Be aware of the battle that exists and have the guts to fight it on your terms.
You CHOOSE to be a loser or a winner.