I love movies. Here are 6 of the most motivational movies of all time.
I was going to make a list of strictly motivational training movies like Rocky, but I instead chose films that can motivate you in all areas of life, they’re also some of my favorite movies.
So, here’s a list of 6 of the most inspiring movies I’ve ever seen.
If there are any other one’s please let me know, I’m sure I’ve missed a ton of them!
Life is Beautiful

Buon giorno principessa! What a great movie.
I have so much for respect Roberto Benigni’s character in this movie. There’s no end to what he’d do for his son or for his wife. Even though he’s about to die he keeps going, keeps a smile on his face for his son and keeps his mind off what’s actually going on around him – they’re in a concentration camp during the 2nd World War.
This is inspiring on so many levels. Seeing his passion for life, the love he has for his wife, he’d do anything and everything for her. What he does for his son blows my mind, no matter how much pain he’s in or how much hatred he faces, he won’t let his son see it, for his own good.
How he makes the best out of the absolute worst situation is something that we all can apply to so many areas of your life.
It inspires you to stay positive when times are tough and it reminds you how important your loved ones are above all else.
Gladiator & Braveheart
I don’t want to get into summarizing each movie. But the pain on the face of both men when they lose their families who they love more than anything in the world strikes me. I can’t call it inspiring in any manner, it’s just pure pain.
It’s the aftermath of being put through such pain that is inspiring. Both men bring justice and pain to the rulers that did the same to them. They inspire armies, nations and broken men to follow them into seemingly hopeless battle and in the end, they rid the world of evil that would have succeeded had they not risen to the occasion.
The Family Man & It’s a Wonderful Life
What would life be like had you made a different decision, or not been born at all?
Both movies bring into focus what’s most important in life, the ones you love. Whether it be your family, friends, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, child or whatever, both of these films put that into focus. They inspire you to not take anyone for granted, including yourself or your own life, and to make the most out of each and every moment you have with them and here on earth.
The Passion of the Christ
There aren’t any funny moments, there’s not much to smile about, but it’s astonishing the ability of a person to die for those they don’t know and to forgive those that hate them.
It’s not the happiest movie in the world, but if one man can go through so much pain for so many, we can surely get a bit more done for those we care about.
Each film exposes the fact that sometimes we get a little lost; we forget what’s good in our lives and focus our attention on what isn’t. It’s nice to watch a movie that reminds you of what is.
And, maybe these movies will inspire you to get into the gym, keeping with the theme of not wasting a moment!
If you haven’t seen any of these movies get out and rent them! Also, let me know what you think, what movies did I miss that should have been on here? Even after I post this I’m sure I’ll remember a few others.