As the Aaron Tippin song goes, You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything. A man must stand for something in his life, even in the run of a day, and that something has to guide him to be a better man and a man of value. In this week’s Man Up series we’ll go through what your idea of success should be, how you should look at relationships and even women. (Read this: Truth About Success and Confidence)
Your values are you, they’re what you will depend on when the world turns their back and you’re left alone to climb out of whatever you’ve gotten yourself into. Stand for something. Live for something. Be Legendary.

Your notion of what success is must be internal. It must involve who you are and not just what you accomplish, and if it does involve what you accomplish (and it should) these accomplishments can’t be in comparison to those of another, not a friend nor a foe. (Read this: Why You’re Comparing Yourself to The Wrong Person)
This is your life, your journey, make it your masterpiece.

If we’d only cut the proverbial fat from our lives we’d become the great men we admire so dearly.

Most people stop, they feel that they can’t go on any longer when they easily and clearly could have.
Have a firm understanding that what you want in life, I mean what you REALLY want in life, takes effort and time. Be in this journey for the long run. True gratification isn’t instant, it’s always at the end of an arduous journey.

We reward ourselves for doing things that required little effort failing to see that self-control will bring us more happiness than meaningless reward or instant gratification.
Few humans are in it for the long haul. We want our gratification to be instant, our glory to be in the present. It’s all about now and not all about the greater good. (Try this: The 4 Steps to Glory and Manhood)
… And no, you can’t have both.

You can find the good in your world and you can find the challenge. Finding both will give you purpose and a reason to improve.

We’re bombarded by noise, by the opinions of sheep, of envious energy suckers and we fall right into their games.
Get out of it. Unplug and get into nature. Vacations are, indeed, important, but not the kind where you’re snapping pictures of your feet by the pool every 5 minutes, I mean REAL vacations. Vacations from the rat race, from technology, from the energy suckers that need to be removed from our lives. (Read this: 6 Ways to Travel Like Hemingway)

Who you spend time with is a reflection of who you are.
Spend time with creators, innovators, hustlers and workers. Spend time with people who are going somewhere, and you’d best not be the one not pulling your weight.

One man is a winner, a good man who’s used his talents and strengthened them, the other is a loser, a waste of space, a man who was given an opportunity and passed it off in lieu of ease and laziness and selfishness.

You just have to give a lot of yourself to get it. And success is internal, it’s not determined by others or something that’s judged upon. Success is yours and only yours, it can be shared, but it cannot be given. If it’s given, it can just as soon be taken away.

Think before you covet. Think about the futility in it.
Focus on your own shit and have no concern for anything else.

Rather than living a life in the pursuit of something good or great, we watched TV or we slept or we talked about things that have no value.
Be in your deathbed now, feel the pain of realizing that you’ve wasted this wonderful gift and vow to never do it again.

It’s a foolhardy goal in life because your success is in the hands of others, the masses, the mob.
Don’t want for fame or popularity, desire to be a man of value to your fellow man.

They don’t want to be treated to dinner because they feel that it’s sexist for a man to in any way treat or help or care for a woman or downgrade her ability to care for herself. They’re so insecure that they can’t accept admiration or a helping hand out of kindness.
They miss the point by as wide a mark as possible. They don’t see how men who open car doors or pay for dinner do it out of honor for the woman. (Check this out: How to Talk to Women)
It’s Valentine’s day soon. Treat your lady to a wonderful night mainly because you love the gal and who she is, but also as a big middle finger to the misguided feminists (many of whom are men) that ignore that men and women are different, and fail to appreciate and praise our differences.

If you’ve got your shit together and you’ve found a good lady, a lady you love, don’t spend a moment on your ass or in ease, be at your best not only for yourself but because you’ve seen that she deserves you at your best, not a shell of the man you can be.
A great woman at your arm should not be a distraction, but added motivation. Treat that gal like a princess and love her to death, but don’t you dare stop improving and growing and evolving on your own terms.
Be the best man you can be because it’s your duty, and her reward for being such a lovely lady.
More Man Up Monday: To Reach Your Potential Is an Expectation