The enemy of this spark is the Resistance. Laziness and rational thought make us think that there’s always a tomorrow, when there’s not. A spark can only stay a spark for so long, it needs to become a flame, a fire, and blaze. It needs to be fed. It’s fed when we defeat our laziness, when we crush our fears, when we push our boundaries, when we persist through pain.
When is it too late? You’ll know. You won’t want to succeed, to work hard, to hustle, to sacrifice. That option won’t be on the table. The Resistance will have won. You may not know any better because you’ve never thought of yourself as anything but a coward, and now you are one. If you’re reading this, and this little paragraph resonates, act. Fight. Do something that was in line with your ambitions 5 years ago. Stand up, walk out of your house and face your fears.
Do you want to know when it’s too late? No. You’re here, reading this article because, at the very least, you have a spark. You have a warrior and a coward within you, and you want to feed that warrior and quell the coward.
So feed him with action.
Do what you dream about doing, stop simply dreaming.
The unexamined life is not worth living. But it’s equally true that the unlived life is not worth examining.
Pay attention to your thoughts and the countless opportunities you have during the day to give in to the Resistance, or to fight it. And FIGHT. Sit down and write, daily. Work when others sleep, fight when others fall, train harder than you did the day before. Train yourself to have no other option that to be the warrior you have within, and you will be Legendary.