So, You Want to Write for a Living…
Have you ever thought about starting a blog?
Are you a trainer who would like to expand your business and develop an online presence?
A few years ago I started this site. It wasn’t an ambitious undertaking that took a ton of risk, but promised either the world as a reward, or an endless pit if I failed. I started this site as a passion project. A place where I could speak my mind, and help guys who were like me, accomplish what I’ve accomplished with my physique.
It’s turned into much more than just a passion project, although passion has never been more a part of it.
I have my own business. Four years ago if you told me that I’d be earning a living doing something that I genuinely loved to do, I wouldn’t believe you for a second. At the time I was working a sales job that taught me a ton, but it wasn’t something that I was passionate about by any means.
I’ve completed two years of college English, and I enjoyed it, but I never saw myself as a ‘writer’. From what I’ve learned in books like, The Education of Millionaires, Turning Pro, and On Writing Well, if you can write well, you can do anything. And as I’ve grown with my writing, so has my business.
…Not that I think I’m a good writer, but I’m a lot better than I was even 6 months ago. The only reason for this improvement: a hunger for reading, and a love for writing. I write all the time. From the time I wake up my world revolves around words. I read a book to start my day (currently reading How to Stop Worrying & Start Living), then I start writing, not stopping until my day is over.
To say it’s taken time for me to improve is like saying it takes time for bits of coal to form flawless diamonds. It took me a long time – A LONG TIME – to start developing the most important skill I could have with the business I’ve created.
Is Writing About Talent or Skill?
Like everything in life – yes, you read that right – writing is a skill that is developed through purposeful practice. Not just practice, but purposeful practice.
For my first two years I read a decent amount, and I wrote a lot. Even as much as I do now. But my improvements weren’t dramatic by any means. It wasn’t until I started reading books ABOUT writing, that my strides began to lengthen. That I began to catch myself making mistakes.
Purposeful practice is the recipe for success in any endeavour. Sports, training, relationships, writing, business, you name it. If you practice the right way more than anyone else, you’ll be the best in the world.
It’s a lesson I’ve learned in my own life through training – when I used to train for hours at a time 6 and 7 days a week but gain nothing. To writing, where, as I mentioned earlier, I practiced, but with little purpose and focus on improving.
I’m writing this article for a number of reasons.
1. To tell you how awesome it is to write for a living. Not to brag or boast, but to encourage those who have always wanted to take that leap to do so. We need more truth out there. We need more voices of reason, people who want to help others, not just earn dollar bills.
2. To encourage you to pursue your dreams. Even if you have no starting point, start. Don’t think about it, just start. If I can do it, there isn’t a soul on this planet who can’t. Truth.
3. To tell those of you who want to start writing for a living – especially those of you in the fitness niche, or a lifestyle-type niche – about a book that would have cut years off of my development as a writer, and within my own business.
Simple title, that needs no more explaning. But I will anyways…
Two good buddies of mine, Sean Hyson, the fitness editor of Men’s Fitness Magazine, and John Romaniello, who just finished a million dollar book deal, have teamed up with Lou Schuler, who has written eight successful books over the past decade.
The COLLECTION of ebooks they’ve written cover EVERYTHING an aspiring writer needs to know. Including:
– How to get started as a writer
– How to tailor your work to specific audiences
– How editors like Lou and Sean do their jobs
– What kinds of fitness stories sell
– How to structure an article for a magazine
– How to pitch an article to an editor
– How to write a book proposal that gets the attention of a publisher
– How to start a blog that generates a six-figure income
The separate books themselves—five in all—total more than 200 pages.
They’ve also included several bonuses that really add value. Sean has done interviews with the following experts. The audio recordings will be made available to you:
JASON FERRUGGIA—One of the most prominent personalities in our industry, Ferruggia discusses how to gain a following by blogging in a voice that’s true to yourself.
NATE GREEN—Nate had a successful blog, e-book, and print book before he was 25. He takes me through his entire writing process.
CRAIG BALLANTYNE—An extremely influential online fitness entrepreneur, Ballantyne explains newsletters, lists, and launching successful e-products.
JOHN ROMANIELLO—John reveals how the success of his blog and magazine appearances subsequently led to earning a seven-figure book deal with Harper Collins.
Web designer JASON LENGSTORF the creative genius behind Roman’s, Lou’s, and my websites, he’s also designed for Nate Green and John Berardi, to name a few. We talk about how to design a blog that gets read, and how to make your site stand out.

my office
The Dream
To wake up in the morning, put my espresso pot on the stove, and start writing is a dream come true. I’m in love with my work. I even feel funny using the word “work” to describe what I do.
The passion in that passion project I started a few years back has only intensified. It’s a challenging career path, wrought with ups and downs, risks and extended periods of elation. But imagine being able to work from wherever you want. No boss to report to. Just your fingers and a keyboard.
If it’s something you want to do, check out ‘How to Get Published‘. I’ve already read much of it, and it’s awesome.
Open Doors
Writing has opened doors for me that I never thought were possible. I’m in next month’s edition of Men’s Fitness Magazine. I’ve been able to travel while still earning an income. I work at a desk in my apartment or at a local cafe. But more than this, I’ve met some truly great people who’ve had great impacts on my life.
Even more, whether I do a good job directly reflects my level of success. If I work smart and work hard, I’ll do well. No politics. No office bullshit. Even if you’re thinking about starting a web site on the site, take the shortcut available to you with How to Get Published.
A Quick Note on Pitching
Pitching an article is one of the most important skills a fitness pro, or any kind of author looking to get a book published, a brief article up in a magazine in print or online, or get a guest article for a bigger blog. It’s a tough one to master. One I have yet to get even relatively good at… Luckily I have friends that give me multiple chances and critiques. Without them I’m sure I’d be doing okay, but I’d be in at least 75% fewer of the publications I’ve been in thus far.
The reason: because I’m not great at pitching. It isn’t even a matter of writing, the pitch is a huge skill that can give even an average writer much more opportunity than a great writer. It’s something they cover in depth in this collection, this fact is worth the price tag. Not only do they help you and I become better writers, but they give you what they’re looking for in pitches.
I’ve started reading it already, and it’s helping a lot.
If You Want to Write for A Living, Click Here to Check Out How