7 movies every guy should have in his library.
There are a few movies that didn’t make the cut because they might be like another movie or they aren’t a necessity for a guy to have. I had to leave out some of my favorites and it hurt me deeply to do so. But I didn’t just pick these movies because I liked them, I chose them because each of them shows us what it is to be a man, or what it is to be a great person. Others show what’s most important in life, and you don’t have to agree, but give respect where respect is due.
Please add in some of the movies I’ve missed in the comments section, I know there are a few gems that could’ve been on here and I’d love to know your thoughts.
For me, this movie embodies what a man is supposed to be, by showing us how he acts when his back is against the wall.
Men have pride, and one of the toughest thing to do for a proud man like James Braddock was go into that room at Madison Square Garden, hat in hand, and ask for some money to get the heat back on so his kids can stay with their parents.
He’d do anything for his family and the fact that this is a true story, and a great book I might add, makes it that much better.
This is number 1 on my list, the rest are in no specific order.
Sometimes when you’re happy you get complacent, and it often takes a devastating event to push you to greatness, if it’s within you. William Wallace was pushed, and he pushed back and freed a nation from tyranny.
What’s most important in life, a career that provides you with lots of money, nice cars, lots of beautiful women, or one woman that you love and kids that you’d do anything for?
If you were given the opportunity to see what both were like, which would you choose?
Roberto Benigni’s character will stop at nothing, not only to save his son’s life, but protect him from the reality of evil that surrounds him. It’s not always about killing the bad guys or defending your loved one’s honor by knocking off a few s.o.b.’s, sometimes there’s more honor and love in making someone feel that everything’s alright, even when you’re in the midst of hell.
Benigni’s character has such a zest for life, curiousity and genuine passion for those who he loves is something to be respected. His ability to show his son the good in people and the good in a situation that seems desperate makes this movie a must –have for anyone.
Yes there are some underlying themes in this film about character, honor, and vengeance. But it’s just a great action movie that every guy should have in his library of films. This is one of my favorites of all time.
I knew a man once who said, “Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.”
The suffering He went through for people he didn’t even know. It doesn’t matter what your faith is, this is a powerful movie. I’ve only watched it once with a buddy and we were both speechless for the next couple of hours.
Just a powerful film.
This film has it all, it has the mafia, a love story, childhood friends, funny moments, and some of the best line’s a father could ever say to his son.
Lorenzo: “The saddest thing in life is wasted talent.”
“Sometimes in the heat of passion, the little head tells the big head what to do, and the big head should think twice about what you are doing.”
Biker: “I’ll tell you when the f#*! we leave.
– Sonny walks over and locks the door from the inside of the bar –
Sonny: “Now youse can’t leave.”
… To name a few …