Losing a couple of pounds can be nerve-racking. In some cases, eating right, drinking plenty of water, and working out doesn’t seem to help. There has to be something you’re doing wrong; maybe your metabolism is not in top shape, or maybe you need to change your daily meal plan. Sometimes, even the most hardworking runners and fitness gurus can’t move the needle on the scale. (Read This: Intermittent Fasting for Dynamic Fat Loss)
Are you stuck in a rut?
We’ve laid out 5 of the best diet strategies to help you shed those extra couple of pounds.
1. Add More Fiber

2. Spice Up Your Workouts

3. Stay Focused on Protein

4. Intensify Your Workout with a Fat Burner

However, even though caffeine is thought to be the best and most efficient fat burning supplement on the market, it doesn’t always work. The human body is extremely smart; it will be able to adapt eventually. To reset any sensitivity you have to caffeine, choose decaf for a few days. Regardless of your choice, supplementation is not recommended unless you adhere to a proper meal plan as well.
5. Ditch Junk Food, But Choose Healthy Fats

If you’re committed to dropping those extra pounds, junk food should be avoided completely. In the beginning, it will be difficult to give up sugars, soda, fried meat, alcohol, etc. But it’s not an impossible goal to attain if you stick to the rules. Replace junk food and sweet juices with sparkling water and fruit (e.g. watermelon is an excellent choice). Vegetable oil should also be avoided; and replaced with olive oil.
Bottom line is, there’s no quick fix to getting back in shape (if the goal is to keep it off long-term). Whether you want to lose fat or build muscle, the trick is have a meal plan set up. Don’t expect miracles in the first week; your body will begin transforming in about a month. However, you will see the needle moving on the scale. Drink plenty of water, give up salt and sugars; and you will see results. Aim at a healthy lifestyle since losing weight shouldn’t be seen as a painful chore.
About the Author
Maxwell Donovan is interested in writing about health and fitness related issues. He has a deep knowledge at this field. He recommends www.