Dreams turned into wishes are wasted opportunities. When we’re kids we play pretend, we act on the dreams we have though we’re not old enough to actually make them a reality. Yet, when we are old enough to follow those things we most want in life, we deem them as unrealistic, even a waste of time.
Think bigger, and dream bigger. It’s only when we’re excited about life, about opportunity, about what we’re doing, that we feel the thrill that living can feel like.
Dare mighty things.

Ambition isn’t greed. Like pride, ambition has multiple meanings. You can have false pride, an unwillingness to do what’s necessary because you see yourself as “above” whatever the task may be. You can have bad ambition, when all you do is aim to acquire things at the detriment of your life and the life of others around you. (Read This: The Beauty of Ambition)
Good ambition, it’s something entirely good. It’s the realization of your purpose in life and the courage to go get it.

Life is, essentially, daily practicing. You’re either practicing to become better or worse, great or useless.
Your habits dictate which one you’re chasing, creating, and growing into.

There are those who are lazy, who want what others have worked for, and even if they win the lottery or somehow have riches thrown into their lap, the value of success cannot be attained without hard work.
True happiness isn’t won in an instant, it’s earned over a lifetime.

Happiness without value isn’t everlasting. In fact, it’s easily shaken. When you’re happy but you’re also of value, meaning, you’re working, you’re earning, you’re serving your fellow man, it’s then that your happiness will be deep-rooted and earned.
Win your happiness by hustling, not by sitting on your ass waiting for it to occur.

People will tell you to “be happy”, and happiness is, indeed, a state of mind. You have the power to choose your thoughts and focus on the ones that will allow you to be happy.
But happiness, the state of mind, without accomplishment or pride that comes from a job well done will not stand time’s test. (Read This: The Truth About Happiness)
Every human needs not only to feel happy, but of value. Work and service are the two things that give you both.

If all we did was focus on one thing and aim to become great at it, we would have greatness. To become great at anything is to treat it as a craft and practice it everyday. It may be that thing your passionate about, but passion is useless on its own, it must evolve into an obsession.
Rise and grind.

Do what you love to do, please. But if you’re content with simply doing it and not getting better at it or perfecting it, you’ll end up hating your passion because it won’t give you the satisfaction you once thought it would. (Check this out: Follow Your Passion if You Want to be Broke and Useless)
Those who are great at what they do love what they do but they’re also obsessed. They rise everyday and meet their challenge head on and beat the little bastard to a pulp by day’s end. Then they get up again tomorrow and do the same thing.

You can control your thoughts and think happier thoughts, but happiness is something to be earned and won, like everything in life.
Find the thing you want to become great at and chase it down like a lion after a gazelle.
More Man Up Monday: The Art of Developing Brass Balls