There is no end to your work here. No day to rest, no finally to your struggle nor summit to your climb. Life is motion, it’s work, it’s a constant and daily hustle that will never end, and you have to not only be at peace with this, but embrace it. Embrace the struggle because it’s where value and meaning are found. Embrace ease and welcome envy and failure to your life where your search for meaning will never embark. Meaning isn’t found, it’s created, and it’s created through struggle, a struggle that will never cease.
Live the strenuous life, a life dedicated to improvement and to the simple love of working hard with a distaste for ease always lingering on your tongue. (Read this: Forget Finding Your Passion. Just Work.)
Use your time on things that matter to you most. It can seem like a long haul, an arduous road, but it’s only on these paths filled with work and strife and effort that we use our time as best we can, if we’re not engaged fully throughout the day on something important we’re giving our time to nothing, and we’ll regret this very deeply some day in the near future.
Don’t focus on the exterior things that you have no control over, only those internal processes that you need to master. If you gain self-control in all things, you gain complete power over your life.
Take a deep breath the next time you come across a fear that cripples you. Think about what is, not what may be. Think about what you can control and what you cannot. Then act on what you can control and leave it to time to prove your fears wrong. (Read this: How Fear Will Shape Your Legacy)
Take pen to paper and write down your values. Write down your 5 or 10 or 15 rules that guide you through life and keep you focused on what you want and who you want to become.
To be told to man up shouldn’t make you feel less manly, you should be honoured that you’re called to be more of who you are, a fella who doesn’t make excuses, who carries his load without complain. A man.
If all you did was NOT waste your time, and instead use it on something, anything that would help you improve, there would be very little that would be able to hold you back.
If you waste time, which is something we all do, there can be no valid excuse for a position in life that isn’t to your liking. (Read this: Time Is Limited. Take Action.)
This is something I’ve added to my “rules of life”, that I’ll listen more than I talk so I can learn more than I know.
What man can call himself intelligent if he can’t make intelligent decisions? If he can’t choose right from wrong?
The more intelligent you are, or the more knowledge you gain, the more your life should improve and the greater impact your life should have on others. Intelligence without self-control is useless. Intelligence without action is useless.
I know too many who are good within their hearts but lead selfish lives that oppose who they are.
I’m there from time to time. I act outside of my values. Goodness is something that all men should be, and to be good is to act with goodness and compassion, intention, as it always is, is useless.
The focus of every day should be to strengthen your resolve by improving your ability to focus on a single task without being pulled by distraction.
Make this choice once daily, simply because you want to become tougher, and it doesn’t have to be ground-breaking stuff.
Walk to the gym instead of driving (something I’ve recently started doing).
Run on your off days (again, something I’ve added).
Add finishers to the end of your routine.
Read instead of watching TV.
Choose the hard road in small areas of your life so you’ll be able to withstand it when the choice isn’t yours to make.
Yes, life is work. It’s an endless amount of work that can never be completed. There is no summit in life, just a climb.
Don’t focus on the summit, there isn’t one. Focus on the moment. It’s all there is and all there ever will be.
More Man Up Monday: You’ve Got to Stand for Something