A few weeks ago I sent out an email asking if you had any questions regarding training, nutrition, or even motivation and work. If you didn’t get the email, here’s how to get in the mix and become a part of something awesome, and get some cool free stuff too: The Real Thor Workout.
The response was huge. A lot of emails and great questions came flooding in and there were some really great questions as well. And I really appreciate the massive response. Many were similar, which makes sense as we struggle from a lot of the same things. So if you don’t read your specific question on the blog, you will see one that’s very similar.
There were too many to answer in one blog post, so we’ll have to break it up into a series.
If you didn’t get a chance to send a question, please ask it in the comments section, I’ll answer all of them.
So here we go.
1. How does one actually determine if they’re a hardgainer? And since nothing in life is binary, how hard a hardgainer? It’s hard to tell just how much rest is enough rest, but 3x a week just feels like too little in an otherwise sedentary lifestyle.
Great question. The answer stems from the notion that the human physique is split into 3 categories or somatotypes. These can then be broken down further, but we won’t get into that. For now, simply determine which of the physiques above is most like yours by answering these questions:
- My bone structure is typically described as: Large, Medium to Large, Thin/Frail (wrists and ankles are great measuring points).
- As a child I was: Chubby, Normal, Too thin
- My body tends towards: Carrying too much fat, Being lean and muscular, Too skinny
Bodybuilding.com somatotype test.
2. What would you recommend as good carb sources? I use to eat yams, sweet potatoes but now with the need for carb (caloric) surplus was looking at other carb sources. Between rice and oats what would be a good choice nutritionally? Leaning towards oats instead of rice due to fiber content but am open for suggestions.
- Extreme Rush: This supplement will not only wake you up, but it’ll help get your blood flowing. You’ll get bigger pumps, have more energy, and will be more likely to kill your workout. I love this supplement.
- A nap: A 20-minute nap can be great before or after a workout. If you’re finding it tough to get the energy, take a 20-minute nap (don’t go over) and head directly to the gym.
- Lift for 30 minutes, no more. If you know you’re only going to be in there for 30 minutes you’re going to be less likely to dread the upcoming workout. To do this, minimize rest periods and combine sets into supersets, giant sets, and quad sets. Check out “How to Get Ripped” for examples.
- Don’t rest. I just mentioned it, but I figured I’d mention it again. Really minimize your rest periods. If we’re tired and worn down, a rest period that goes on just a bit too long can absolutely ruin a workout. We’re also trying to break down as much muscle as possible, then repair it. Less rest will help you do this.
4. How (or is) my training different at age 50 than it would be if I was 25?
5. I’m still in high school so I really don’t cook, but I was wondering if you had any examples of quick healthy meals/snacks that contain all the right amounts of proteins, good carbs, and good fats needed. ~ Gus
Depends when you’re eating. But here are a few great examples and when you should eat them.
Pre/Post Workout: French Toast.
Ingredients: 2 slices whole wheat bread, 8-12 eggs whites, cinnamon, all natural maple syrup.
Snacks: Nuts.
Almonds and Brazil nuts are a great snack before bed as they help boost our testosterone levels. If you’re in a rush, cottage cheese is also a great snack to have that’s high in protein.
Breakfast: Eggs.
Try scrambling your eggs with vegetables. As a treat I’ll add in sun dried tomatoes (oil and all) into the mix. Cut up an avocado to go along with your breakfast as well. High fat and protein breakfasts that are low in carbs don’t have the negative effect of raising insulin levels in the morning which also feeds our fat cells. High fat content boosts testosterone levels as well.
This is the best resource for healthy, great tasting meals and snacks: the Metabolic Cookbook
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