There’s a lot to be angry about right now…
Businesses being told they can’t open…
People forced to stay in their homes and cases rise, while other places are completely open and cases are declining…
There is no amount of justice great enough to payback what governments are doing to people’s mental health, financial well-being, even our quality of life.
Any anger, any rage may be justified, but it isn’t necessarily helpful.
Personally, I don’t think a government should have the right to tell people how to live, when they can open up their businesses or where they can eat…
It angers me that this is going on, and the other day I found myself in a foul mood when I remembered a great quote by Theodore Roosevelt…
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
I’m a single guy in the prime of my life.
If travel wasn’t essentially banned in Canada, I’d be in Italy right now.
I’d be meeting new women, working hard, enjoying life.
That has been taken away from me, which can get me a little enraged, but thinking about that quote expelled any anger and helped me focus on what I do have, what I can do, what I do control.
When you focus on what you can control and release what you can’t, it’s like a weight is lifted from your shoulders.
Stress goes away. You have more energy.
As such, you do better work, you workout when you ought to, eat right, read, always focusing on doing the best possible thing you can do with what you have and where you are.
Without getting too long-winded, be angry about what deserves anger, but only for a moment.
After that moment, go back to being the best you can with where you are…
That is life’s duty, but also life’s gift.
We all have the capacity to do the best we can, few ever take the opportunity to truly live it…
We compare what we have to what others have, sullying anything good in our life, any progress or joy, any achievement.
Sure, you can achieve things if you have a massive chip on your shoulder, but you’ll never get what you want from those achievements.
You’ll always be empty.
But if you follow that quote and truly live by it you’ll have your achievement and the pride that comes from a life well lived.
In short, don’t spend too much time focusing on what is not fair, and focus on how you’re going to kick the living hell out of anything that stands in your way.
Life doesn’t happen to you, you happen to it.
Conduct yourself of such and your life will improve rather rapidly.
Be Legendary,
Chad Howse