Real power doesn’t come from controlling our surroundings or our environment or others, it lies solely in self control, the ability to control our thoughts and our actions. If you can ward off distraction, if you can focus and work hard for an extended period of time without getting distracted or depressed or quitting, there is nothing that can stop you. (Read this: 5 Steps to Gain Real Power)
So few focus on the self, though, instead we focus on things that are out of our control and we fret over them relentlessly. Shift your focus from those things that surround to you to you. Choose to react to things in your life in a way that pushes you forward rather than holding you back. Don’t get distracted or lose faith. Just keep working and learning and facing your fears and growing. It ain’t sexy, but this is the way to both freedom and happiness and success.
The even doesn’t matter. Your reaction to it does. The most powerful thing you can do is use any and every even in your life to improve and grow, to get better. (Read this: The Event Doesn’t Matter. Your Reaction to it Does)
Most people relinquish this power and give in to everything that happens to them in life. They end up bitter and cold, cynical and alone, when they had the power to react to things in a much different light.
No matter where you are, what disservice you’ve been done, you have an opportunity to rise and improve. You can take it or feel sorry for yourself, but that choice is yours. Your life is your responsibility, stop looking to events and others to place blame.
The truly confident don’t need cars and mansions and trinkets to show others their value. Confidence, when it’s true, is quiet and unassuming, it’s laced with humility.
Want fewer things because things are nothing. Want greater accomplishments because to aim for less is a disservice to your Maker, to you, to those who’ve come before you and a slap in the face of who you can potentially become.
The silent majority just listen, they watch, they love what you do and want you to keep doing it.
Don’t listen to the vocal minority, those who hate your actions because they’re too lazy and afraid to act on their own. Work.
Keep your head down and keep working. Don’t let the opinions of others get you too high or too low, just keep working and improving.
Work is a blessing. It’s an opportunity to improve. Yet somehow some people feel as though certain aspects of work are beneath them, that they’re too ‘high and mighty’ to get dirty.
Never feel too important to do the work of any man on any level and in any sense. If you feel you’re too good for work you’re not good enough for success.
There is liberation in rules. Don’t think of them as confining the wild soul within, think of them as those things that will enable it to flourish. (Read this: 20 Rules of Manhood)
Let fear guide you to where you need to go, to what you need to do. Never let it deter you.
Great men use time, they’re always employed in something useful, in work, in learning, in growing, that is why there are so few of these great men, waste and laziness dominates the majority of all of our time.
Toughness is learned, and you can learn it in the gym. The STRONGER your mind is, the better equipped you are for the real world and everything it throws your way.
I’ve learned more through travel and starting a business than I could ever learn in school.
I like school, just don’t think that because you didn’t go down that road that you’re relegated to ignorance. I know (Check this out: Why You Shouldn’t Go To College)
The thing with courage is that it grows stronger the more you use it. It’s like a muscle. Strengthen it through pain and live a life of glory.
Don’t run from tough times, welcome them with open arms and an open mind and a strong heart.
More Man Up Monday: Forget About The Dream and Focus On The Path