
Train Like a Man!

Different goals require different cadences…

Simply put, if you’re training for strength you need to lift at a different cadence than if you’re training for muscle or fat loss, kind of. The thing about cadences is that changing the tempo of your lift (tempo = cadence) is one of the best ways to break through plateaus. 

Precisely why we change the cadences of your exercises with each phase of the Man Workout. Speaking of that lovely workout, there’s also a reason why we start with strength training, and not just any strength training protocol, as you’ll soon see.

We start with strength because strength should be the first focus of any training endeavor, even any health endeavor. It’s increased strength that will help you burn more fat long term. It’s increased strength that will help you become healthier and fitter, long term. It’s increases in strength that will obviously also help you build more muscle long term.

Where most people lose it is in focusing on the end goal with their training before getting stronger. So no matter what you want to end up looking like or performing like, start with strength. 

Now, we have a workout for you below. ’Tis a seemingly simple workout, but with a few wrinkles.

Wrinkle #1: Cadence

You’re lifting for speed in this workout. It’s all about speed. As soon as the speed of the exercise begins to slow as you start to struggle, the set is over. You’re NOT training to failure like you will be in the other phases. So focus on speed.

Set A

Focus on heavier lifts. Keep the same weight. If you slow, slow at the last rep and call it quits. It will take a trial set or two to get the right weight. On the second week of the program, use the same weight, but add one more rep.

Set B & C

It’s all about explosiveness. Choose somewhat of a lighter weight and press as fast as humanly possible (which you should do ALWAYS, but especially with these sets). Again, when you start to slow and you’re not pressing with maximal speed, set over. Rest. And repeat.

The Man Workout Truly is a great program that brings you through a primer designed to help you get to that level where you CAN focus on your end goal more specifically. Give it a shot if you haven’t grabbed it yet.

As a Man Diet Member, you still get your 30% discount (get that here)

Oh, rest periods: 60-90 seconds.

Eccentric contraction, controlled, but don't worry about slowing the cadence. We leave that to phase 3.