Eat Like a Man. Train Like a Man!

Well done old chap, the Man Diet is the Biggest Step Toward Building Your Ideal Body You've Taken Yet. Diet Without The RIGHT Training Routine, However, Won't Get You Optimal. Enter, The Man Workout...

Within This Unique Program, You'll Be Given The Roadmap Needed for You To Build Your Optimal, Best-Performing Body, in As Little As 3 Months.

How Will This Program Succeed Where Others Have Failed?

The strategy behind the Man Workout is, of course, to make you more of a badass. The focus is 3-pronged in that I'm going to help you become more athletic, stronger, and I'm going to help you cut fat.

The method as to how this is done is a combination of athletic, power movements for your weight training routine, following by athletic finishers and sprints for your "cardio" routine.

You will come out of the Man Workout as, simply, and improved version of the badass that you are right now.

3 Reasons Why This is a MAN Workout

Reason #1: Fat Is Estrogenic

One of the most estrogenic things in your body, is fat. That is, if your body fat is hovering about 15% fat, you're likely creating too much estrogen. The solution, and a necessary step in your evolution as a man, is to get that body fat down!

One part of this battle will be from the Man Diet itself, but the other - and just as necessary - step is to create the right training routine, and the right training routine will help you maintain muscle while cutting slabs of fat, or, build muscle period.

The more muscle you have:

  • the greater your insulin sensitivity (which means you're going to use carbs as fuel rather than storing them as fat.
  • the more fat you're going to burn.
  • the higher your testosterone levels should be because of these facts and a host of other reasons that make muscle anabolic.

The Man Workout helps you build muscle while cutting fat when paired with the Man Diet.

Reason #2: Strength Is Manly

One of the barometers we use for measurement is comparison to the opposite. We understand heat by comparing it to cold, light by comparing it to darkness, and the masculine by comparing it to the feminine. Well, men are naturally stronger than women in that we have a greater capacity for strength, so the case can be made that the stronger you are, the further away you are from the feminine.

Do you want to be more manly?

Of course you do. Simply put, you want to IMPROVE, and to improve in any area of your health or physique, strength is necessary. The Man Workout is designed to help you get stronger every time you head into the gym, and stronger does, indeed, mean better.

Plus, it aligns perfectly with the Man Diet.

Reason #3: It Prepares You for Life

Sure, we train to look better or to get stronger, but preparation for life's inevitable curve balls is also a manly must. We need to be prepared for those moments when our bodies are called upon to save or defend those we care about.

Are you prepared? The Man Workout brings you through real life, athletic movements that will help you prepare for those moments we hope will never come, but inevitably do.

Don't get stuck not having a body that can come to the aid of those you've been tasked with defending.

Using This 3-Pronged Approach to Building Your Strongest, Manliest Body, You'll...

  • Unlock Your Genetic Potential in Month #1

    Before you build muscle or burn fat, you need to become strong. In Month #1 you’re going to build your strongest body yet using unique sets and techniques designed to help you break through previous plateaus.

  • Shock Your Body Fat in Month #2

    The functionality of any body starts from the inside-out. Along with The Man Diet, the Man Workout is designed to help you be at your best hormonally, as well as physically. And bringing down your body fat % down to a minimum is that next step.

  • Build Brawny Muscle in Month #3

    Finally, we’re capping your optimally-performing and looking body off by building slabs of lean, strong, dense muscle. You’ll notice we’re going in a very different order than most programs, and that’s done on purpose. With testosterone at its height, you’re now free to build your best muscle.

  • Maintain muscle while cutting away your estrogenic fat.
  • Build muscle and get stronger.
  • Spend no more than 40 minutes in the gym!
  • Get bigger, better, faster, and stronger with workouts that push you to become TOUGHER!

The Man Workout is the perfect addition to the Man Diet, and a MUST HAVE for any guy wanting to improve.

I'm guessing you bought the Man Diet because you're fed up with mediocrity or you simply want to bring your body to another better, stronger level, well add the Man Workout to your order to ensure your success.

Plus, you get a one-time discount that ONLY happens on this page, right after you buy the Man Diet.

Man Diet Members 1-time Discount

Regular Price: $25 - Today for Only $15

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Your Ebook will be available for instant download after payment

Not only is the Man Workout on sale here only, but you get my 100% money-back guarantee to go along with it. Try it out for 2/3's of the program, and if you're not getting the results you want, shoot me an email and I'll set you up with a refund.

To "sell" without value and providing the intended service isn't something I want to do.

I'm well aware of the frustration that comes from putting yourself out there, even putting in the work but not getting the results you want. So, try it. Do the work. And if you're not satisfied, give me a shout and we'll set you up for a refund.

However, if you do actually work your butt off, and you do get the results you want (which is by far the most likely scenario), then shoot me an email anyway, I'd love to hear about your success!

So, take action today on the Man Workout. The price jumps up after this page is closed.

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