How to Define Success

We’re more influenced than ever before in our history as humans. Success used to mean survival. At times it’s meant something as simple as victory in battle or living to a certain age or having a certain number of kids to carry on your name.

Today, however, we’re told what success is in every facet of life. Our parents have their opinion of what it looks like, as do our friends and foes and peers. Our TV’s tell us what success is. Magazines tell us what to aspire to own.

The truth is, however, that success is defined by you, and you either craft a vision of what victory is based on what you really want, or you let other influences tell you what to aspire to achieve.

One version of success will lead to meaning, purpose, and being a man of value. It will be an abundance of things that are genuinely important.

The other version is based on consuming things you don’t need and trying to impress people you may genuinely not care about – you may not even like them in the slightest.

Your Definition 

You have to define your own verdict of what victory is, and it has to be true to who you are and the life you want to lead. It has to be your definition. Your folks should raise you rightly to seek things of real value, like family, friends, being great at what you do for work, building wealth instead of purchasing possessions, but victory still has to be decided by you.

Now, define it.

Picture your perfect life.

There are no boundaries in what you can have or where you can live or the lady you can have by your side.

Choose things you genuinely want, and not things you want because you want to show others everything you’ve achieved.

As a guideline, my idea of victory in life is as follows…

I rise early, between 4am and 5am. I walk downstairs. My house is big, but the best part is that I can’t see my neighbors. I’m on 100 achres and I’ve got it all to myself, with the family, of course. I make a coffee, bring it outside to the porch where I read before the sun rises under the porch light. Then I work. I work for 2 hours until the lady gets up. The things are nice, but that’s not the aspiration, the life is the goal. The pace, the place, the space, the people, the work. I know that a certain level of comfort is good, but opulence doesn’t really improve the quality of life or your degree of happiness.

The problem is that as I am right now, I’m surrounded by someone else’s view of success. Every time I turn on the TV or see a pal or walk through my neighbourhood, there are influences trying to tell me what to aspire to have, few, however, push me to know what to be.

It isn’t much of a problem now because it’s something I actively think about – whether or not I’m heading in the right direction and pursuing the right things – but for a long time I just did what was expected of a guy in his twenties. I sought what I was told to seek. Living life on someone else’s terms, whether it’s going to college simply because that’s what’s expected of you, or buying clothes to fit in with a certain crowd, or a car or truck or house to show how well you’re doing, won’t bring you peace.

In the end we just want peace. We want the pace, the purpose, the space, the meaning that I briefly described earlier. We want to do something that excites us, for us, for our family, not to compare to what our neighbour is doing or has.

Your Definition as You Are Now 

Rather than waiting to become, be.

Forget the place you want to be or the things you want to own or the life you eventually want to have, it’s all dependent on today.

Now, picture your perfect day with who you are and what you have, now.

That is, where you live, what you drive, who you’re with, and so forth. Think about perfection. Think about the best way to spend your day – work and training included in it – if you had to live this day every day for the remainder of your life (so it’s not a flight to Vegas that you’ll regret upon return).

How does your work day go? What time do you wake up? What time do you shut your work day down? Do you train, run, hike? Think about the pace to your day, it’s likely not rushed even though it’s effective.

Think about this day.

You can have your perfect day today, it doesn’t need to be something you continually push to the future.

Your idea of success depends on your creating this day, every day, and it can be done.

Spend a Day and Define Victory

Go big or go home. Even though my idea of success in terms of where I want to live and what I want to live in and what I want to drive and so forth is attainable, the means to getting there is audacious. The adventures I want to be a part of my life are going to be tough to accomplish, heck, they scare the crap out of me, thus, they have to be pursued.

This notion of not wanting things cannot mean that the life you want to lead is somehow less ambitious. Going big is the only way to prevent regret.

You can fail. Failure isn’t the worst thing in the world, never trying is.

Spend a day thinking about what you really want to do, the life you want to lead, the massive things you want to accomplish. Be real with yourself. Think big, but don’t let outside forces thrust you into pursuits that are not your own.





We live in a culture that guides us to where it wants us to go. To find a clarity of purpose, but also the clarity of who you are at your best, is a rarity we typically see only in great men in history. Until now...

We rarely give time to figuring out if what we’re trying to achieve is the thing we should be trying to achieve.

We rarely ask the right questions.

The goal in life is to figure out what the best goal we can set is, and then create the habits we need to create to achieve it.

This simple outlook is then broken down to our daily activities. Figure out what the best thing we could do is, the thing that aligns with our greatest purpose, and then do that thing rather than what we want to do or desire to do in the moment.

If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success. ~ John D. Rockefeller


  • Determine your ideal, your most audacious, and ambitious dream.
  • Set specific goals with specific dates that relate to this ideal.
  • Figure out the habits you need to be the guy who creates this ideal life.

Men need accomplishment. 

Accomplishment is proof that we serve a purpose, that we've used whatever talent we have to create something bigger than ourselves.

Take Teddy, for example. He's my 110 pound Dogo Argentino - a hunting dog from Argentino. He needs to work, to feel as though he's serving his purpose. Without 'work', he gets antsy and anxious. His behavior is less consistent.

Men are the same. What few of us understand is that to really KILL IT at life, we need to be excited about what we're doing and what we're pursuing.

The more ambitious and audacious the goal for our career, our lives, our vision of what we want our lives to be, the more energy we'll have, the more consistent our motivation will be. Without excitement we're merely going through the motions, and too often 'the motions' are someone else's idea of what success is for us, rather than our own, true purpose.


I needed to create a program because clarity has never been more rare in a society.

We’ve never had so many options. We’ve never had so many distractions, nor have we had such an abundance of avenues that influence us, be they social media, friends, what society wants from us, or the image that entertainment pushes upon us.

Figure out who you are, what you want, and then figure out specifically how to get after it.


One aspect of clarity is figuring out what your overall purpose is. The other aspect is aligning your habits with that greater purpose.

Easier said than done, especially in today's world.

The Power of Focus makes life black and white in that you'll be able to see what you should give your time and energy to, and what doesn't deserve either.

This is difficult!

It requires planning and strategy and it's necessary if you want to create your ideal life, your ideal body, or whatever you're after.

A side note: I get a lot of guys asking about women. You may be wondering how to find the best one, how to attract the hottest one, how to find your ideal lady. The answer is focus, clarity, and purpose, not some pick up strategy.

Women want winners. 'Winning' can be defined as being a great dad, a leader of your home, a winner in business, in the man you are, whatever. Winning demands purpose.

No matter what you want in life, clarity and focus are not only your ally, but a necessary step to you becoming the man you want to become, no matter how badass he is!


My purpose, the thing I crafted with the help of what you'll find in The Lost Art of Clarity and The Power of Focus is to help guys, ambitious guys like myself, become winners (however you define winning is irrelevant, getting there requires the same steps).

That's why I created the Average 2 Alpha Tribe. We go over motivation, success, how to eat to boost testosterone, how to train to build your best body, one that will allow you to live an adventurous life. It's a coaching program on STEROIDS but it doesn't cost nearly as much.

For years I've known that coaching outperforms a program that you get all at once. But coaching programs are as little as $500/month or as much as $2,000 a month. They're great, but they're too expensive.

And still, I wanted a HIGH END, ELITE coaching method without the cost. One that coaches YOU through proper nutrition techniques, training techniques (no matter your goal), but also through life, talking about toughness, grit, and manliness.

That's what Average 2 Alpha is, and instead of being $2,000/month, it's only $47/month, and FREE for you for 14 days along with your purchase today.

Find Clarity. Win.


Click the Button Above to Get Complete Access to "the Lost Art of Clarity" for Just $1, Plus Your Free Trial of "Average 2 Alpha" for 14-Days (Then Just $47/month), Cancel Anytime. 60 Day 100% Money-Back Guaranteed.

Clarity is a lost art!

Too many of us do what we shouldn't be doing, things that pull us away from the life we want to lead and the men we want to become.

The Lost Art of Clarity and everything else in this awesome package that I'm GIVING AWAY for $1 will help you define who you want to be and the life you want to lead, multiply it so you're excited daily about what you're accomplishing, and then determine the habits you need to forge this awesome life.

Plus, not only is it only on sale for a dollar, but you can try it out for 60 days, and if you don't like it, I'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

This goes back to the purpose and the focus I created a few years back when I started creating the structure for the Lost Art...

I want to build a tribe of guys like myself who are truly getting after it.

I'm taking what I'm learning and passing it on, and I can't wait for you to be a part of it.

The feeling of waking up with a definite purpose, and living that purpose every damn day is hard to explain. You become a winner over night.


Click the Button Above to Get Complete Access to "the Lost Art of Clarity" for Just $1, Plus Your Free Trial of "Average 2 Alpha" for 14-Days (Then Just $47/month), Cancel Anytime. 60 Day 100% Money-Back Guaranteed.


[op_testimonial_slider style="3" animation_type="default" animation_loop="n" slideshow_autostart="y" animation_speed="700" slideshow_speed="7000" title="What Our Customers Have to Say" subtitle="" title_color="#329bc9" background_color="#F2F9FF" columns="1"][op_testimonial_slide title="Angela" company="" image="" button_color="#4881F5" button_text="Read story" href="" header_color="#00b7e2" background_color="" columns="1" ]I have been following Chad’s writing for a couple of years now and I can say with full confidence that he is a man with resolute purpose and grit. His approach to help men become the man that they were created to be is a frontal attack and assault on the societal norms that are deteriorating cultures, society, families, and human beings in general. Chad’s writing places you at battlefront to gander at the war we face in our decision making or the lack thereof. And if you didn’t know that your mind, body, will, and emotions are under attack, stick with him for bit and you’ll get a good view of the truth. For those who have that deep calling within themselves to be more and do more, “The Lost Art of Discipline” is the way home. We need this, YOU need this. There is no sugar-coated fluff or BS to make you feel great about where you are at this moment, nothing to help you settle in ad feel good about remaining the same. There is simplicity in the small things that a man can do daily to propel himself into the great things that he can do for a lifetime. There are solid foundations to build that will break chains of addiction, laziness, and complacency. Don’t miss your chance on this one fellas! The world needs real men and women to rise, stand out and train others to be great! Thank you, Chad, for refueling my own passion and stoking the much-needed fire to get me off my ass and back in the saddle. You’re an inspiration and a life changer! carpe diem[/op_testimonial_slide][/op_testimonial_slider]
[op_testimonial_slider style="3" animation_type="default" animation_loop="n" slideshow_autostart="y" animation_speed="700" slideshow_speed="7000" title="What Our Customers Have to Say" subtitle="" title_color="#329bc9" background_color="#F2F9FF" columns="1"][op_testimonial_slide title="Leroy, former Green Beret, United States Military" company="" image="" button_color="#4881F5" button_text="Read story" href="" header_color="#00b7e2" background_color="" columns="1" ]To say the least, I was a little wary of the program.  You see, in November I transitioned from being a Special Forces Operator to my civilian life.  Early on in my career I was not an Alpha male, I was THE Alpha male.  Through all of the deployments, injuries and the loss of my brothers and family, I had lost myself.   Now I am not talking about being suicidal or waking up in night sweats. I had lost my perseverance, my drive, and my confidence.  Which is extremely hard for some to believe.  When I tell people my story, they look at me with an expression that says, "How can a decorated Green Beret stumble?  If he stumbles, how can I ever make it?"   The truth is we all need to conduct maintenance on our manhood and our livelihood. Without constant improvement and testing, we will never thrive.  We will never lead the pack. Three months ago, I took a leap of faith.  I literally threw away everything I knew about diet and exercise and began following your program religiously.  It has worked wonders, my friend.  I still am not my old self, but I am making one hell of a comeback. So from a little shipping container in the middle of Afghanistan, I send you my thanks.  You have changed my life and I am positive you will touch many others.

Nous Defions,

Leroy, former Green Beret, United States Military


Click the Button Above to Get Complete Access to "the Lost Art of Clarity" for Just $1, Plus Your Free Trial of "Average 2 Alpha" for 14-Days (Then Just $47/month), Cancel Anytime. 60 Day 100% Money-Back Guaranteed.


At 47 years old I feel healthier then ever due to the man diet.  I have been doing the program religiously for 8 months, exactly as instructed along with training five days a week.  The program has done wonders for me. I have had excellent results that have changed my life for the better. 

Including building testosterone levels to the optimal. I am now full of energy. Making simple changes to my diet I was able to burn more fat and build more muscle i am the alpha male thanks to the diet and workouts! ~ Mike