Author, Chad Howse.
In a sea of little bitches, whiners, and cowards, it’s never been more valuable to be a man who takes charge of his own life.
To take ownership of your mistakes, to hold yourself accountable to a higher standard than the sheep that merely follow orders, trends, and their emotions, is a breath of fresh air and a direct path to success, be it financial or otherwise.
If you want to live life on your own terms, you’re going to want to read the rest of this article. If, however, you like pitying yourself, where you are in life and the hand you’ve been dealt, please get the fuck out of here.
This isn’t for your eyes if you don’t want to be a guy who works hard, takes risks, and ventures beyond his comfort zones.
If you want to aim higher, act more assertively, and hunt down what you want without a mere whisper of a complaint, then you’re the kind of guy I’m looking for.

When the market is selling, the rich are buying.
When the masses are weakening, the wise, the successful, the rich, the old school badasses are getting tougher. They’re avoiding the weak mindset that produces victims. They’re taking a stance for good and against bad and they’re creating whatever the fuck they want from this one life we all get.
This article is about thinking differently, then acting differently.
When most would complain, you take ownership.
This gives you the power over your life and over the events within it while everyone else gives it away freely, ignorantly, and unknowingly.
Our society is becoming pussified.
We have safe spaces in colleges. We have trigger words that we’re not allowed to say. Disagreements are being outlawed. Jobs exist but people don’t want them because they’re ‘beneath them’.
And the job creators are being vilified.
We no longer award winners in our schools, our kids are trained to be losers, to be victims, to be forever stuck on the tit of someone or something else.
We don’t kill our food, we hop in our electric cars and head to the nearest grocery store to buy shitty meat.
We don’t rise each day with a clearly defined purpose because we’re lost in a sea of options, numb to the clear path we should have been travelling all along.
You, however, are different.
You’ve made it this far without getting offended, panties in a knot, running to the nearest safe space seeking comfort and silence.
You’re looking for a challenge, not running away from them or avoiding them or looking for the safest, easiest path to travel in life.
But, there’s always room for improvement.
I’ve been on a quest in my own life, specifically for the past decade, to grow daily. To put it simply, I want to be stronger mentally, physically, and spiritually.
I want to be able to identify the weak aspect of my mind or psyche or Self, root it out, and let the strong aspect of the man I am to take charge.
The reality is that our society is set up to create victims.
Even if you’re wealthy you’re a victim to the opinions of others if you’re constantly worried about what others think, what they buy, or what they’re doing.
You’re a victim to the stuff you obtain in an effort to appear to be more successful to people you shouldn’t care about impressing in the first place.
If you’re broke you’re a victim to the financial stresses that cloud your days.
The key is to succeed in every area of life.
Earn more. Live far more daring and adventurous, and do it all without giving a fuck what others think, all the while lifting others up, carrying them even.
You may be living as a sheep when there’s a lion beneath.
You may be weaker than you should be, more afraid than you ought to be, less daring than you were born to be.
Within each area of your life there’s an opportunity to take ownership of the event, the situation, or even your emotions.
Rather than blaming others – always fruitless endeavour – ask what could I have done better? What could I have done differently? Before pointing the finger.
If you want to rise in life, in your work life, personal life, spiritual life, this quality is paramount, it’s also almost completely non-existent.
Through a series of challenges I’ll mention in a bit, I’ll show you how to live with extreme accountability in every area of your life.
This is the essence of what it is to Man the Fuck Up! Boys don’t do this. They tattle, they point the finger, and they’re nowhere to be found when someone needs a hand.
You need to raise your standards.
I don’t know you, but I know that you’re not living to your potential. You’re not asking enough of yourself and you don’t believe you’re capable of doing what you dream of doing when you’re reading about a great human, watching a movie that sparks your imagination, or lying awake at night thinking of what could be.
I know because we’re all in this boat. But there are simple steps you can take to get out of the limited lifestyle and into one where you’re in charge of who you are.
The man you can become is a man whose character dictates his actions, not his urges or impulses.
The man you can become isn’t a victim to a whim, he’s on a greater path and he has the guts to stay on this path.
We’ll define your path and figure out how to stick to it by creating the habits necessary for success.
At the end of the day you have to be a fucking man.
I’m not pointing the finger here, I’m in this boat. I need to improve in each of these areas in a big way. Fortunately, I’m working on it, I’m creating books and courses and articles that help me take my life to the next level, and hopefully you get something from them as well.
Back to being a fucking man…
Do manly shit.
Theodore Roosevelt is the easiest example to use from history. Born sickly and weak with a father who was the opposite, TR wanted to be a MAN! But he wasn’t.
He was bed-ridden and delirious. He was a victim. His dad forced that demon out of him. He stuck him in the weight room against doctors orders. He got him into boxing and jiu-jitsu and hunting and fighting.
TR’s life was spent doing manly shit on a 10x level that may never be replicated, but it can be learned from.
He explored the Amazon, he became President, got shot before a speech but manned up and gave the speech anyway. He experience a hell of a lot of tragedy, losing his mother and his wife within hours of one another, but he didn’t stop moving forward.
Men need to do manly shit.
We need to feed our testosterone, train our body, challenge our minds, and we need to WIN.

Your purchase of the How to Man the Fuck Up! includes a free 14-day trial of the Average 2 Alpha Tribe. After 14-days, if you don't cancel, you'll be billed $47/month for the premium coaching program (regular $500/month). Contact [email protected] at any time to cancel.
You don't need to be belittled. That's not what this book is. We all, however, need to shift how we think, to open up our minds to new possibilities and realities, and to expose life-long excuses and reasons preventing us from taking the grand action we so desperately need to take to feel as though we've lived a grand life.
That's what this ebook is. As the title suggests, it's a massive call to action, but with the steps that will make this call to action become a life-long pursuit.
I hate it when people try something, get benefit from it, and then fall back into the ruts that keep them from being who they want to become, who they want to live as. I hate it! I hate it when I did this, too.
So, to live the habits that your grand goals require, we need to create said habits one at a time, be they training or financial or with your diet, we need to create the foundation, your 'new norm', which is where these two fantastic bonuses come in...

What you want in life, be it money, adventure, meaning, or purpose, is dependent not where you're born, what you look like, what talents you have or gifts you have, but who you are.
Can you improve?
Of course you can!
We all can.
Every self-help book focuses on tips and tactics you can use to improve things in your life, but even the ability to stick to those is dependent on who you are, so I created a program that works on the virtues that make you the man you are.
It's a 'code, a creed to live by' that will be with you through thick and thin, helping you make the tough decisions and the right decisions that will actually help you accomplish what you want to accomplish in life.
If you're a man on the rise you need a foundation from which you can propel from.
That's why I created this, it's something that guides a guy and it's not stuff we're taught nor schooled in, but it's stuff we have to have the win.
Praise for the 12 Virtues...
To say the least, I was a little wary of the program. You see, in November I transitioned from being a Special Forces Operator to my civilian life. Early on in my career I was not an Alpha male, I was THE Alpha male. Through all of the deployments, injuries and the loss of my brothers and family, I had lost myself.
Now I am not talking about being suicidal or waking up in night sweats. I had lost my perseverance, my drive, and my confidence. Which is extremely hard for some to believe. When I tell people my story, they look at me with an expression that says, "How can a decorated Green Beret stumble? If he stumbles, how can I ever make it?"
The truth is we all need to conduct maintenance on our manhood and our livelihood. Without constant improvement and testing, we will never thrive. We will never lead the pack.
Three months ago, I took a leap of faith. I literally threw away everything I knew about diet and exercise and began following your program religiously. It has worked wonders, my friend. I still am not my old self, but I am making one hell of a comeback.
So from a little shipping container in the middle of Afghanistan, I send you my thanks. You have changed my life and I am positive you will touch many others.
Nous Defions,
Leroy, former Green Beret, United States Military

Your purchase of the How to Man the Fuck Up! includes a free 14-day trial of the Average 2 Alpha Tribe. After 14-days, if you don't cancel, you'll be billed $47/month for the premium coaching program (regular $500/month). Contact [email protected] at any time to cancel.

No man should be an island. Humans are born and bred to exist in tribes, but where the hell can you find ambitious guys getting after it these days?!
The Average 2 Alpha Tribe is just that. It's a 12-month transformational program designed to help you grow your business, your body, and your mind, on your way to becoming a true badass.
That foundation I talked about is born HERE.
Your 'new norm' is crafted HERE.
This isn't 'weightless' 'how to steps', it's courageous and massive action that you're going to have to take. But, by all means, remain. If you don't want to take action I'm not going to look at you any differently, it's you who will see yourself as something less than what you can be.
How do I know?
I've been there. I've lived there. And then I stepped out from the shadow of my mediocre self and have been hustling in a better direction ever since.
Join me.
Your purchase of the How to Man the Fuck Up! includes a free 14-day trial of the Average 2 Alpha Tribe. After 14-days, if you don't cancel, you'll be billed $47/month for the premium coaching program (regular $500/month). Contact [email protected] at any time to cancel.