- 1.Man Diet
- 2.Product Options
- 3.Epic Manliness
- Your sperm count and quality is likely 1/3 of that of your grandfather.
- After your 18th birthday your sex drive starts to take a nosedive.
- Everything around you, your entire environment and even your lifestyle and mental state are negatively affecting your ability to perform in the sack.
You and your lady start smooching, the smooching becomes hotter, heavier, and you’re off to the bedroom with baby making on the brain, but there’s one problem:
The big head is revved and ready, but the little head is loose and loopy.
You can’t get it up. How embarrassing. You feel like a failure, like you’re not a man. Whether it’s right or wrong we tie a fair amount of our self-worth to our performance in the sack, but the reality of men not being able to perform is becoming the reality.
Since 1942 men’s sperm counts have been dropping by a whopping 1% EVERY YEAR! And our sex drives have been declining with them.
This is an epidemic, and I don’t use those words lightly. It’s an epidemic effecting men that will eventually have incredibly consequences on our society on the whole. For now, all you need to know is that:
HOWEVER, as the majority of men in our society become less of what they once were, losing testosterone annually, with their declining sex drive and an increasing inability to get their wives pregnant and keep their name alive in this world, we will head in the opposite direction.
Sex drive and sperm count aren’t simply fixed by diet. Although eating like a man with the Man Diet and training like a man with the Man Workout will help you dramatically in each of the aforementioned areas, there’s still more you can do; more you need to do.
It’s in my research for the Man Diet that I actually came up with the Man’s Guide to an Epic Sex Drive. The studies are truly shocking. Men are becoming impotent and infertile by the millions. It’s given rise to an all new industry, one that’s only a decade or two old, but worth billions – if not trillions – of dollars, all focused around helping men become what they should be naturally:
Fertile and Functional |
To be honest, it scared the crap out of me, reading where men are headed, and as a result, where our society is headed. In a couple generations the majority of men won’t be able to plant a healthy seed in their wife, they won’t be able to carry on their name, and they won’t be fully able to enjoy sex and all its wonders without the aid of a pill.
And the pill only helps with impotence. If you have no sperm, or your sperm is swimming in all different directions – think Homer Simpson’s sperm (if you’ve watched the Simpson’s and can bring that image to mind, that’s where we’re actually headed) – there isn’t much you can do, besides what’s in the Epic Sex Drive Program.
After reading, then panicking, I set out to find the solution, and it’s something you’re going to NEED to add to your order if you want to enjoy sex, optimal sex, and get your wife pregnant, carry on your name, and have a few wee ones in the future.
What Do You Get With the Man’s Guide to an Epic Sex Drive?
The Man's Guide to an Epic Sex Drive Manual
Having an optimal sex drive has a number of factors. We cover all of them and provide solutions for each. Sex drive isn’t merely a matter of popping the right pill or going in for an injection. Neither is sustainable.
You want to naturally perform like a MAN, and in the Sex Drive Manual you’re given the truth and the solutions to the problems that are all around you. This, for most, will be enough, but I didn’t want to give “just enough”, I wanted to give you everything you need, so that’s what I did.
The Man’s Guide to an Epic Sex Drive Routine
I don’t simply scare the crap out of you, provide you with a few broad solutions, and send you out into the world to try to carry on your name, have sex without the need of a pill, trying to push a wet noodle through a key hole.
The Epic Sex Drive Routine is something you’re going to follow on a daily basis that will help you boost your sex drive an increase the blood flow to that special area. And if you know you’re about to get lucky, I give you a “pre sex” routine that you do the night before the big day.
For those of you guys who are trying to get your lady pregnant, the routine will aid you in that quest, strengthening both your sperm count and the quality of said sperm that will one day become a wee one, and a spitting image of you.
The Man’s Guide to an Epic Sex Drive Supplement Guide
Are supplements the “answer”? No. In the guide you’ll discover a few “mental” aspects of having an optimal sex drive that actually may be the entire solution and the key to a lifelong epic sex drive.
However, there are supplements that work, and work very well. In the Supplement Guide we go over such supplements, finding the best ones for you and your problems. They’ll help you get more blood flow to your little head, get in the mood more often with your big head, and help you perform more optimally.
Why Did You Buy the Man Diet if Not to Become a Badass in the Gym, in Life, and in Bed?
$39 $12 (ONE-TIME FEE)
I know this will help you improve in one of the most important areas of manhood. I created this program, and I put my name behind it because I truly believe it will help a lot of guys, and that’s what I’m here for.
Society is lacking in real men. They’re few and far between. Those men who live with honor and courage and do what must be done. As such, as a guy who’s trying to bring back manliness, I too must live by this code of honor.
If, for any reason, the Epic Sex Drive Program isn’t what you thought it would be, or what you wanted it to be, I’ll give you a FULL refund, no questions asked. All I ask is that you read EVERYTHING, and try EVERYTHING. Take 60 days to go through it all and see that it does improve your libido and that aspect of your manhood that we all hold in such high regard.
Take action. Add this step to epic manliness and become that man that we, as a society, as a culture, and as a planet, need.