Chad Howse Presents...

"How I Cut My Workout Time in HALF and DOUBLED My Results With This Little Trick That Boosts ‘The Other Hormone'”.

February 01, 2025

Hey guys Chad here,

We know that testosterone is by far the most important hormone in the body for men. It’s the most important hormone for mental health and physical health, and yes, it’s the most important hormone for body composition as well.

Where body composition (your ability to burn fat and build muscle, changing your physical appearance) is concerned, however, there’s another contender: Human Growth Hormone.

Now, before you look at the words Growth Hormone and freak out, thinking it’s a hormone that will make you massive and bulky and Barry Bonds-like, don’t. Calm down. GH, as it’s also known, is an incredibly powerful and healthy hormone, especially when it comes to fat loss.

GH boosts protein production, promotes the utilization of fat, interferes with the action of insulin (which makes you store body fat), and raises blood sugar levels. GH also raises levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). It’s benefits are almost identical to testosterone’s from a body composition standpoint which will only compound the effects of the Man Diet, if you know how to use it.

And while we touch about it a bit in the Man Diet’s Intermittent Fasting Protocol, you can purposely increase your GH levels through diet, where the most powerful boosts come are from your training, but not just ANY training…

As we do with our testosterone levels, we need to keep our cortisol levels in check if we’re going to take advantage of GH. If our cortisol levels are high, both our testosterone and GH levels will be rendered somewhat useless, and one of the ways that men all over the world are killing their hormones is by training too often, too hard, and too long.

There’s no strategy behind their training, no focus, no method to the madness. Is this you? You’re not alone… Most guys train thinking that simply working out is enough or good enough.

I experienced it when I was fighting. I was training 6 days a week in the boxing gym, lifting 3 days a week, and somehow expecting my body to recover properly. 

Most refer to it as “over training”, but what it actually is, is your body’s hormones out of whack. When you workout too long and too often your body automatically releases cortisol, which makes you burn muscle and store fat and feel run down and lethargic.

Even though I was training hard, really hard, my body fat would increase slightly and my muscle seemed to be disappearing. 

It’s not always the time we put into something that matters, but the quality of said time that will yield the greatest results. This is a very poignant fact with our training. 

We both need workouts that give us maximal results but we need to get out of the mindset that more is always better. We need to figure out how to maximize our hormones in our training while also maximizing muscle damage and the metabolic effect of our training as well. 

Sounds like a lot to do but with a strategic approach it’s all rather simple, which is something I was about to find out…

So I couldn’t live like this, feeling weak and run down and looking worse, let alone fight like this.

I’ll cut the story down a bit for brevity’s sake, but I went to a friend, a renowned trainer, to get some help and advice on the situation - remember, this is before I even started my business or my research regarding testosterone, this was way, way back when I was a scrawny wee lad just trying to win a fight having completely given up hope of creating my ideal body after years of failing to do so left me a tad discouraged and believing that I truly WAS cursed with terrible genetics.

This pal of mine mentioned that I was elevating my cortisol levels by the way I was training and that it was having a negative effect on my other hormones. We didn’t get into it too much, but we sat down, put our heads together, and came up with a 9 month plan to turn things around. 

With unique, even strange sets we cut my training time down to 30 minutes, 4 days a week. What we put together helped me win my next, and last, fight by KO, but that wasn’t the end.

After that fight I dove hard into the training - even though my diet wasn’t all that great, I have to admit, I wish I knew about the Man Diet back then - however, I managed to create my transformation, gaining 32 pounds of LEAN muscle in 32 weeks (my body fat % actually went down over that period).

But what about YOU?

Want to Burn More Fat?

These workout condense your training, increasing your lactic acid production and the metabolic effect of your workouts, recruiting more fat for fuel and building more metabolic muscle, helping you stave off fat even when you’re not training. Add this routine with the Man Diet as it is. There are no tweaks needed, backload on the carbs after your workout and keep them minimal on your off days.

Want to Build More Muscle?

Backload heavy on the carbs after your workout and make sure you’re taking BCAA’s during your training. Then let the Man Diet and your elevated testosterone levels do their work. These programs will also give you more time to recover and build that muscle that you want.

Want to Become a Better Athlete, a Stronger Man?

We set up these workouts to help me win a fight. By knockout. The intensity of the training routines will help you build that kind of muscle that will help you win a fight or perform better at whatever sport you desire, even if that sport is simply being a better, stronger man.

The PowerHowse Challenge and Fridges

Before I started this company and before I started boxing, I worked at a warehouse. It was a home-appliance warehouse. I was one of those guys who’d load your fridge up for you in the back of your truck. Good, honest work.

In a conversation I was having with one of the salesman at the company, he made an interesting point.

Fridges, for a while, would last for 20-25 years, if not forever. They were indestructible. Then one company realized that if they build a good fridge that lasted for half the time they could double their profits with the return business.

Why sell one fridge every 20 years when you can sell two?

It revolutionized the industry, along with many others. 

So when I created the Man Diet as a program you can and should follow for the rest of your life, it was in conflict with this “sell more” way of thinking. Instead of creating a diet that would last for 3 months, I created a way of eating that would end your purchasing of diets thereafter.

Less money, but more loyalty and greater value.

I brought the same principle to the PowerHowse Challenge, with a wrinkle.

9 months, that’s how long the PowerHowse Challenge lasts because that’s how long I need to get you your ideal body. Will this be the last program you do?

No. Training is different than dieting. Your goals change, you change, and there’s ALWAYS room for improvement. You’re going to buy other programs in the future, but after the PowerHowse Challenge you’ll be buying them as a completely different man, both with the aesthetic of your ideal - or close to it - and that quiet confidence that comes from knowing you look like a badass and you ARE a badass.

So where most programs cut off at 3 months, the PHC was created to help you get your ideal body in only 9.

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You’re taking care of the most important hormone in your body because you’re on the Man Diet, I don’t have to worry about that aspect with you, and that’s awesome as a trainer because diet is 80% of the battle, but why would you waste a great diet by not also using a great program?

After creating my transformation I packaged this incredible training program and called it the PowerHowse Challenge. The name is goofy but the method is incredible. While it helped me start a business and it helped me help thousands of other guys create THEIR transformations, what it was missing was the right diet, the perfect diet, the Man Diet.

So what I’ve done is taken the PHC and made a Man Diet Version, cutting the fat (we’ll call it the trans fat) and giving you just what you need to build a great body, no matter what the goal. 

I’ve dropped the price down from $97 to $47 because you’re Man Diet Members, and you’re awesome. Included in the PHC is 9 MONTHS of the best workouts you’re ever going to do. Yes, NINE MONTHS for only $47 (it makes no sense, but the heck with it).

You’re also going to get the Fast And Furious Cardio Routine - a 9-month sprinting routine that will help you boost your fat loss and further increase your GH production as sprinting has been shown to have a positive effect on both testosterone and GH.

A One-Time Fee Of  $97 $67 $47

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So you get 9 months of incredible workouts for only $47, but why is this program so effective?

It’s all in the sets, the time under tension, and the condensed, effective approach to training we’ve taken in creating this wonderful masterpiece. 

So how to do maximize GH with your training?

After creating my transformation I packaged this incredible training program and called it the PowerHowse Challenge. The name is goofy but the method is incredible. While it helped me start a business and it helped me help thousands of other guys create THEIR transformations, what it was missing was the right diet, the perfect diet, the Man Diet.

So what I’ve done is taken the PHC and made a Man Diet Version, cutting the fat (we’ll call it the trans fat) and giving you just what you need to build a great body, no matter what the goal. 

I’ve dropped the price down from $97 to $47 because you’re Man Diet Members, and you’re awesome. Included in the PHC is 9 MONTHS of the best workouts you’re ever going to do. Yes, NINE MONTHS for only $47 (it makes no sense, but the heck with it).

You’re also going to get the Fast And Furious Cardio Routine - a 9-month sprinting routine that will help you boost your fat loss and further increase your GH production as sprinting has been shown to have a positive effect on both testosterone and GH.

Lactic Acid Challenge Set

One of the workouts you’ll be doing is called a challenge set. Rather than training 1 or 2 exercises at a time and then resting after that exercise, your entire workout is combined into one massive set, allowing for only minimal rest periods.

You’re essentially doing an entire workout of rest/pause sets to dramatically increase lactic acid production, metabolic effect, and muscle damage. These workouts can be as short at 18 minutes. They’ll DRAMATICALLY help you break through any plateau you’re experiencing, so we’ve scattered them throughout the 9 months of training that is the PHC.

Giant Set For Giant Gains

One of the ways I train is by using giant sets to condense a workout but increase lactic acid production, metabolic effect, and muscle damage. We use giant sets throughout the PHC to do just that. You’re going to be training less but doing more – if that makes sense. 

We also use strength sets and finishers and have abs finishers at the end of each workouts to ensure you’re building that six pack to go along with them muscles.

  • Phase 1

    3 Months Worth of New And Exciting Workouts That Will Reshape Your Body.

  • Phase 2

    The Plateau-busting Phase That Will Take Your Results to New Levels.

  • Phase 3

    The Final 3 Months of the 9 Month Masterpiece.

  • Fast and Furious Cardio Routine

    A 9-month Strategic Approach to Cardio to Maximize Your Results.

A One-Time Fee Of  $97 $67 $47

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60 Day Money Back Guarantee

There’s no doubt in my mind and judging by the hundreds of guys who’ve created their transformation that you’ll LOVE the PHC. But, if for some reason it isn’t right for you or even if you decide that you’re done with training and you want to remain as you are, then fire me, Chad Howse, an email and I’ll give you a full refund.

The decision, in my mind, is simple.

You’ve taken action with the Man Diet, and hopefully the Man Workout (which is the perfect primer for the PHC). Why waist it? Why not MAXIMIZE IT?

With the PHC and the Man Workout you have your training program set for the next YEAR, let’s see how far you can go over the next 12 months, shall we?

Take action!

Stand 9 months from now as a man, a warrior, that reflects the warrior he IS in his spirit, in his soul. Build the badass body the badass in you was always meant to have.

Take the PowerHowse Challenge.

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