This unique approach to training will give you the best workouts of your life:
- 3 Phases of the Best Workouts of Your Life: Learn how to get the most out of your body with these quick workouts that only last 20-30 minutes and use minimal equipment.
- Break through your strength plateaus with Phase 1: Want to get functionally stronger, but not sure how to do it? Phase 1 will help you get stronger than you’ve EVER BEEN.
- Burn fat and raise testosterone levels with Phase 2: If you want your body to run more efficiently, you have to burn fat. The workouts in Phase 1 will help you get ripped and cut and ready to pack on some athletic, strong muscle.
- Build your best body with Phase 3: Now that your hormones are optimal, you’re ready to build strong, athletic muscle. Phase 3 rounds out your “ideal body” by giving you the lean, athletic muscle you need to perform at your best if you’re ever called into action.
1-Time Fee of ONLY $47 $17

Don’t waist a great diet with bad workouts.
Join the Man Revolution Today and Buy The Man Workout.
NO WAITING FOR ANY SHIPPING! As Soon As You Add The Workout To Your Order, It’ll Be Sent Directly To Your Computer.
Don’t need to get stronger? Not interested in getting in the best shape of your life?
**If you have any questions or need support, please send us an email at chad@chadhowsefitness.com**