Even by doing this simple thing you can burn a ton of fat. Protein will dramatically help you boost your metabolism, especially if it’s the first thing you eat to start your day.
Pair it with some healthy fats to tap in to your fat stores even more – we’ll talk about it in a few minutes (further on down the list).
Whey protein is a super food for body composition because it enables the body to repair tissue and burn fat. It also enhances the body’s internal antioxidant system by increasing something called glutathione.
Supplement with whey protein, not only with your post-workout shake, but during the day when you’re in a rush. I have 2-3 shakes a day when I’m really busy – including my post workout shake.
Learn more about why you need more whey protein in your routine:
Omega-3’s increase insulin sensitivity which helps you use your carbs as fuel and to feed your muscles rather than storing them as fat. Good fats also boost your metabolism and help you tap in to your stored fats and use them as fuel.
If you’re looking for a really good omega-3 with the right balance of EPA and DHA, check out Omega Blue Fish Oils.
There is compelling evidence that coffee increases your metabolic rate so that you burn more calories, and it can help shift the body to burn fat rather than glucose for energy.
Berries are great for fat loss because they contain fiber, antioxidants, and have been shown to blunt the amount of insulin the body produces in response to eating them with high-carbohydrate foods. Raspberries, in particular, contain a unique antioxidant called ellagitannins that have been shown to improve the brain’s sensitivity to leptin, making you feel less hungry.
Eggs include omega-3’s, but also choline, which protects the liver from accumulating fat and is the precursor to the energizing neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Increasing acetylcholine levels can increase growth hormone, which is a very powerful fat-burning hormone. They’re also high in protein and help raise testosterone levels when taken in the morning and before bed.