Pre-Workout Nutrition
1. I like to eat a meal around 60 minutes before a workout. You can have your personal preference, although I wouldn’t go too much closer to a workout because your body won’t be able to process what you’ve put in it in time for your training. One to two hours seems to be the best time for a meal.
2. I also have a pre-workout shake 15 minutes before my workout. Now you don’t want to go into a workout with a full stomach, but you want to have something there in the way of fuel to feed your muscles when they’re being broken down through training. I find that a good pre-workout shake (I use BlueStar Extreme Rush) gives me a boost in energy and in blood-flow – both of which are important.
3. On the ride over I’ll blast some tunes to get in the mood for the intense training I’m about to go through.
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