Rise and Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions

Discover Why These 4 Forgotten Principles Have Stopped You From Getting Alpha Male Strength

March 06, 2025

From Chad Howse,
Author of the Man Diet,
Founder of Dare Mighty Things Inc.

About 11 years ago now I set out to figure out one simple thing:

How do I get from being "average" to becoming an "alpha"?

I was weak and scrawny. I lacked confidence and the ability to live how I wanted to live, like a warrior, like an alpha male.

One of the historical figures that comes to mind when someone says “alpha male”, is Theodore Roosevelt.

We all know the brash, audacious, powerful, even cartoonish figure he eventually evolved into; the President, the rancher, the adventurer, the war hero, the conservationist, the boxer and the martial artist and the hunter...

What few realize is that TR started his life out as a weak and sickly young man. Until, that is, his father had finally had enough of his "weak son" and forced him to become a stronger man so he could live the life that he knew the young TR was capable of.

“Theodore Sr. built TR a small gymnasium in the house for him to improve his strength. The boy also began boxing lessons. Eventually Teedie's asthma disappeared and his strength increased.”

Had he not gotten stronger we wouldn't still be reading about this great man in history. We wouldn't hear about his adventures nor his never-ending energy.

If his father didn't force him to grow stronger, Theodore Roosevelt wouldn't be in our history books. He wouldn't have been the fighter, nor the President; not the conservationist, nor the military hero. Had he not gotten stronger, he'd have simply been average.

Strength must precede any audacious endeavor, especially when you're trying to reach your potential, both in body and in life.

TR in college, only a handful of years after his old man forced him to grow stronger!

So here I was, average at best, but wanting to become better. Naturally, after reading about TR, how he got stronger and how it helped him live a much more audacious life - one of the most active lives in history - I saw that I, too, needed to get stronger.

There was, however, a problem...

99% of the programs that promise "insane, never before seen results", follow fads and "tricks" that simply don't work. Furthermore they aren't made for the individual (YOU), rather, they're made to get the average man average results.

I don't want average, and I'm guessing you don't either. I also didn't, and don't, want to fork over thousands of dollars for a one-on-one coach, especially when 99% of coaches don't really know how to get optimal results.

And so, I was stuck.

I wanted to rise from average to alpha, but everything I tried and got my hands on just wasn't good enough...

I didn’t want an AVERAGE BODY because I DON’T want an AVERAGE LIFE.

Thus, the past 11 years have been spent studying and testing, trying and failing and trying again.

I've learned a lot and I'm still learning, and I've finally discovered the methods that do produce optimal results. Here's the thing:

They're not "magic tricks", nor are they gimmicks or fads or pills, powders, and potions. They're simple but tough methods that MATHEMATICALLY bring a fella like you or I from average to alpha.

...That is, if we're willing to put in some time and a good deal of effort in our training.

If you're not afraid of hard work, then keep reading.

If you are afraid of hard work, you're never going to become an alpha male and you're never going to reach your potential, so you may as well stop here and go back to those cookie cutter programs that make you "feel good about yourself."

If you're still reading. Good. You're a man. Not a sissy. So let's get down to it...

We aren’t born with the brilliant genetics that only a few are born with, but neither was Teddy.

We have to work harder and smarter, but that doesn’t mean we can’t end up better and stronger, and it’s strength in the physical, spiritual, and mental forms that will help you rise from the confines of mediocrity to a greatness that you are, indeed, worthy of if you're willing to work.

What lacks from 99% of the programs I've tried - especially early on - was an intelligent, mathematical approach to getting stronger. Most of them just proposed a rep count, be it 3x10 or 5x5 or 3x8 for a few weeks, after which they'd change, along with the weights.

  • What they didn't provide were the specific weights I should have been lifting.
  • They didn't show the lifter where they were, nor how to SPECIFICALLY get to where they wanted to be.
  • They also didn't provide a specific progression, it was just a "add 5 pounds every week" approach that just doesn't produce the best results possible.

As expected, my transformation took a long time. I was skinny and weak for a long time as I tried every program under the sun.

I tried different rep schemes and sets and some worked, actually, many of the methods I've just mentioned did work when they followed a strategy, but they still weren't optimal.

I desperately wanted to build muscle - and I got there, as you can see above - but over the past decade I've also learned a few things about how the human body works, and how to make it work OPTIMALLY.

Being optimal or becoming an alpha is about reaching your potential, and that has many facets that are solved by acquiring a single attribute..

Building a stronger body, for me, wasn't just a matter of being able to lift heavier weights. No, that's not even the half of it.

Building a stronger body opened me up to an entirely new world, one where I had confidence and power, one where I faced my fears and put myself out there without fearing the backlash or the opinions of others, for "it is not the critic who counts", as TR once said.

I become a "man in the arena", and although I've only seen the tip of the iceberg, I've seen how the best training methods can change a man's life. I've since traveled throughout South America and Europe and embarked on adventures that would honestly not have been possible if I didn't find the BEST methods.

I'm nowhere near where I can be, but I'm a heck of a lot closer to my potential because I stopped following fads and cookie cutter programs and discovered THE BEST ways to train, based on percentages, not on arbitrary numbers...

... Which is what I'm going to show you how to do.

To go from Average 2 Alpha you need to come to grips with a couple things...

FACT #1: You Need to Start With Strength if You’re Going to Go From Average 2 Alpha.

FACT #2: Most Strength Programs Aren’t Good Enough.

a. Most Programs Don’t Actually Allow You To Progressively Overload Your Muscles (even if they claim to).

You see, most programs simply aim to have you lift as heavy a weight as you can within a certain rep count. This is flawed because it’s arbitrary – who’s to say what you should be lifting at a certain rep count if your reps and weight aren’t based on anything?

There IS NO PROGRESSION in 99% of the strength programs out there, nor in the muscle building programs, nor in the fat loss programs. That’s why you can get results for a couple weeks, then they taper out and you’re stuck in a permanent plateau.

By simply adding weight each week to the same rep count they’re also aiming to create growth, but growth in the muscle and in strength isn’t a direct climb, there are ebbs and flows that must be programmed into your training.

Your results cannot look like this:

When the process isn't mathematical, when the strategy isn't based on numbers, the results end up looking something like this:

You see growth initially because you're pushing your body beyond what it's currently used to, but as you continue to simply push, you end up plateauing and eventually regressing. Progression needs proper programming to create something more along these lines, with ebbs and flows, maximizer months and weeks where you taper back and allow for much needed recovery:

b. Most Programs Aren’t Created for YOU, How Much Weight YOU Can Lift Right Now, Or Weaknesses You Currently Hold.

To get a program designed specifically for YOU, you typically need to spend $300 or more per month on a coaching plan with a good trainer, and even then they may not understand how to used percentage-based training to help you force your body to grow stronger.

When you go into a gym and aim to lift a weight at a certain rep you’re guessing, it’s not based on anything.

This isn’t necessarily bad. I’ve had good results using programs like this, in fact, many of my other programs take this tactic and I get a ton of great testimonials from them. But it isn’t optimal.

And optimal is what we're after, are we not?

A great program can be a great program, but I'd like to show you how to create the best program based on where you are right now in your progression, whether you're a beginner or a more seasoned trainer.

Your reps and sets and the weight you choose need to be based upon something, and that something is your 1 rep max. You find your 1RM by having a “Gauge Workout”, or a workout that sets you up with your numbers, from there, and only from there, can we create a program based on SOMETHING, and a program with a linear strategy for growth and improvement.

c. Most Programs Follow Only A Rep Scheme Designed For Strength, Not a Strategic, Progressive Approach That Will Help You Build Muscle, Power, Athleticism, AND STRENGTH.

All of this together means that typical strength programs or fat loss programs or muscle building programs (they are, essentially, one in the same) are confined to a rep count, when your muscles benefit more from fluctuations in reps that are based upon the numbers you were tested for in your Gauge Workout.

You need 2-4 reps, 4-8 reps, 10-12 reps to create optimal muscles and improvement. You don’t need to be stuck within one group, nor should you be, just like by not knowing your 1RM, by focusing only on a single rep range you’re handcuffing your ability to create optimal growth by showing your muscles different looks that are all based on your numbers.

These are facts that, after years of trial and error and thousands of hours of research, I was faced with.

"If you want to move from average to alpha you can't rely on a "good" cookie cutter program designed to be for "everyone", you need an optimal program created for YOU."

Sadly, what you get from the majority in this industry are workouts that are designed to sell. They have tricky tips and tactics that aren't founded in science or reason.

They sound "cool" and unique, but the reality is that what's worked from day one still works today, we're just measuring our performance to strategically guarantee our progress.

This isn't a "trick to help you magically get stronger and leaner and more muscular". It's an equation:

  • Find your 1RM
  • Create a program based on percentages of that 1RM
  • Progressively overload
  • Taper
  • Work your butt off

= You Going From Average 2 Alpha

So what are these 4 principles that an OPTIMAL program must include?

1. A Firm Starting Point.

The Gauge Workout is your starting point, but you’re also going to go back to it to re-test your 1RM for the important lifts (more on these in a bit).

Without a starting point or any knowledge of how strong you actually are right now, there are two important things you’re unable to do:

  1. Determine how much weight you should be able to lift for each rep scheme, making the weights you pick up arbitrary and 99% of the time, too light.
  2. Know when you’re growing and getting stronger.

Without a starting point, that is, an actual TEST to determine how strong you are, you won’t know precisely how much you should lift, nor will you know if what you’re doing is actually working.

You don't, however, need to get in the gym and actually lift your 1RM. With my calculator we can find that out based on your max's from higher rep counts, like how much weight you can bench press for 8 or 9 or 10 reps (it's a simple test).

2. Focus on the 'Big Lifts'.

There are certain lifts that should take precedents over others. That actually doesn’t mean that you’re going to be doing more of them, it simply means that a program should be based around them.

You’re going to increase in strength and lean muscle mass if you focus your program around the squat, deadlift, overhead press, and the bench press.

Build a program around your biggest muscle groups and the others will improve as a result.

Most programs fail in this necessity as they focus as much on isolation as they do on compound lifts or they think that variety in exercises is all-important, when it’s variety in rep counts and consistent progression that yields maximal growth.

You can force your body to get stronger by increasing your weight by the right number (which isn't always automatically 5 pounds a week).

3. Cycling the Intensity and Workload of Your Workouts Based On Your Reference Point.

Especially for your bigger lifts, those important ones we just mentioned, they need to be based upon your results that you found in your Gauge Workout.

The reps and sets should alternate on a nearly weekly basis always taking into account the load you're aiming for. You’re still lifting the same equivalent weight, but the reps and sets you’re using provide the muscle with a different look.

That’s one of the limitations of programs that focus only on a single rep count and an arbitrary chosen weight that usually takes a few sets to actually figure out, all the while fatiguing the muscle while you're throwing darts in the dark trying to find a weight that's just right, when you really have no clue what just right is.

When you're told what weight you should mathematically be lifting, your workout intensity doubles because you've been shown what you should be lifting (it's usually a higher weight than you'd guess), so you push yourself that much harder to fulfill the calculations.

Not only are you lifting heavier weights because you're pushing yourself to get stronger, but you're busting your ass trying to fulfill what the percentages have told you that you should be lifting.

My workouts more than doubled in intensity when I started using percentage-based training, and I thought that bringing math into my workouts would ruin them!

Fortunately, I was wrong!

4. Tapering to Allow for Recovery.

Optimal results don’t occur in a straight upward or escalating line. They increase, and regress, but this regression isn’t the cause of your body reaching a plateau, it’s a FORCED regression or tapering, a dialing back of your intensity to allow you to recover.

I like having a tapering week every 4-8 weeks, and the more intense a program, the closer I err to the 4 week mark to allow for a week of active recovery, not just sitting on your ass.

You’re not going to create OPTIMAL results simply lifting heavier weights each week, every now and then you need to lift lighter weights to allow your body to heal and catch up.


I have made no groundbreaking discoveries. I haven't uncovered anything that's necessarily lost, just real methods that really work and have somehow been lost to the public, piled under mounds of cookie-cutter programs that promise the world very quickly but rarely yield any results.

What do I want to do?

It's pretty simple, actually...

I want to take you from being average to alpha in an approach that's based on YOUR starting point without charging you hundreds of dollars for 1-on-1 coaching.

I know how to get YOU those results because I'm basing your program on YOUR totals, not broad-based, arbitrary numbers that are set up to fit the masses yet end up benefiting only those who have a fair amount of knowledge and motivation to get into that gym and push themselves 100% on every set.

I realize that there isn't ONE method made for every single fella on the face of the planet.

Even though % based training is, in my mind, the optimal, best way to train, it may not be for you.

Average2Alpha is NOT for Everyone!

This is the reality, though we're basing your workouts off of YOUR totals for your bigger lifts, this method is NOT FOR EVERYONE.

It isn't for people who don't want to:

  • Squat
  • Deadlift
  • Bench Press
  • or WORK HARD!

It isn't for people who don't want to lift heavy weights. It's not for weak people who want to stay weak. It's for hard workers, men who want to go into the gym and continually improve.

If You Want to Bust Your Ass And Reach Your True Potential, Then You've Found Your Method.

If you want to continue to waste money on cookie cutter programs because "just working out" makes you "feel like you've accomplished something", then no, this program is not for you.

It requires hard work and discipline.

The workouts increase and decrease in intensity depending on what week you're on, finally ending with a tapering week to allow you to recover effectively.

This workout is not for guys who want to remain average, who are satisfied with mediocrity.

This is simply for those of you who want to test your limits, to push your body to grow and gain and improve!

This program is intense. It is badass. You are going to have to work hard and you're going to have to dedicate the next month to sleeping right and eating right.

That's why it's called "Average 2 Alpha"...

It isn't for the fellas who are fine with mediocrity, it's the culmination of 11 years of trial and error, studying and testing and finding the best, simplest, but not nearly the easiest method to build THE optimal body so, as Teddy did,  you can live your optimal and audacious life.

Average2Alpha: Maximizer Month

Average2Alpha: Laying the Foundation

The program is "simple", in that all of the math has been done for you. All you have to do is plug in your numbers and you find out exactly what you need to be lifting.

The Maximizer Month is your introduction into percentage-based training. This is where we build the foundation that you've been missing. You're going to improve, get stronger, and react to the workouts that are based on how strong you currently are.

This should be the best program you've ever done. But I want you to try it out for a month to see if you're up for the challenge.

That's what the Maximizer Month is, a challenge! It's a test to see if you're willing to work and hustle and train hard enough to get to your ALPHA!

The Calculator

I show you how to re-test and test your 1RM based on other weights you're lifting at various rep ranges with a simple calculator that you're not going to find in any of those cookie-cutter programs that promise the world through some new and unique method that has previously yet to be discovered.

Know your 1RM, and you'll know where you are in relation to where you want to be.

The Printable Tracking Sheets

It wasn't training that taught me this, but business...

If you want to consistently improve, you have to MEASURE EVERYTHING.

So, I measure everything for you.

Plug in your numbers and take YOUR personalized program to the gym with you so you can follow along with YOUR WORKOUTS!

This is how the BEST strength coaches train their individual clients. Keeping this information hidden from the client allows them to charge $500 per program or per month.

But I'm giving you the method so you can get the result and continue to get the results for the rest of your life.

That's what life is: a constant evolutionary process where you go from average to alpha, and beyond.

That's why I'm charging $7 and not $500.

$500/month $300/month $7 (one-time fee)

What I do not want is your money without results. This is partially why we're testing the waters with a month's workout that's predated by a free week's workout.

I'm bringing you through a process and you're able to determine whether it's the right process for you.

If you find out that you just don't want to work that hard, then get your money back.

If you find out that you don't have the discipline to train hard and get to the gym when you're supposed to be training, nor push yourself to reach your numbers, then get your money back.

Think about that... For the price of a McDonald's dinner you can gain access to a training program that will open your eyes to a different approach to training that guys usually only gain access to when they encounter a TOP LEVEL strength coach, which won't run them less than a few thousand dollars. Now, I've already helped thousands of fellas build better bodies...

Here are a few of them:

So how is this going to make you better and why is it more effective than 99% of the other programs out there?

Those are some pretty impressive results...

My transformation was pretty impressive as well, if I may say so myself, however, back then I didn't have access to the quality that is Average2Alpha, and neither did any of the guys above.

Average 2 Alpha is the best program around - that isn't to say it's the ONLY best. There are other coaches and trainers who have equally good programs. Sadly, they've become a rarity.

A2A isn't anything revolutionary either.

I didn't "create" this method. Heck, I'm not even the first - NOT CLOSE - to use percentage based training to create routines.

I am, however, the only fella I know that doesn't keep it to himself and charge $500 a month to clients who benefit from it.

I am one of the few who gives you the spreadsheets and allows you to plug in your own numbers and see your own improvement, and Average 2 Alpha: Maximizer Month is only the beginning!

Take action now! Become the first round of REAL ALPHAS!

Some people aren't action-takers. And I get it.

To take action requires at least some risk. You're going to have to risk your time and your effort to see if this stuff really works, if this program you're investing in actually helps you get the results you want.

That's why I've set up the Maximizer Month as PROOF that it will help you get stronger and better, and we're going to build upon this month.

You're going to learn how to train based off your percentages, and once you learn how to do this you're never going to want to go back to the cookie cutter programs that litter the internet and muscle building programs.

Why spend $47 on some program that prescribes a rep count that doesn't really change, when you can get workouts tailored specifically to how strong you are RIGHT NOW and GUARANTEE to improve upon those numbers as you work through the program.

We're mathematically forcing your body to get stronger and I CANNOT wait to see the results you get!

Now, you've looked over everything. You're either willing to work or you're not, that's what it comes down to.

So take action or don't.

We're building a tribe here, a tribe of warriors willing to take that next step, to build the body that will help them build the life that has eluded them thus far!

Join us! Take action and never look back! Become an early adopter and get access for a LIMITED TIME ONLY One-Time Fee of $7

Average 2 Alpha FAQ

Do I need access to a gym to do A2A?

Yes. Bodyweight training is awesome, but to get the best possible results you can, you need weights - dumbbells and barbells. And that's what we're after, the BEST results you can possibly get.

Is proper form required to get the most out of A2A?

Yes, but we'll be giving you tips over the next month about what that looks like. I also would recommend hiring a trainer for a week JUST TO GO OVER FORM (don't use their programs), so you can learn the best practices so long as they know what they're doing and you don't.

If you already have form down as it pertains to the deadlift, bench press, squat, and overhead press, then you're good to go.

How do I know what the exercises are?

I didn't mention this above, but you get access to an exercise database that we've created for you on the back end when you download everything.

Is A2A delivered to me?

No. As soon as you purchase A2A you get immediate access to a membership site where you download everything. It's quick, painless, and we get to give you access to the videos as a results of having it hosted on a protected site.

Will this program work if my "alpha" means I need to lose weight?

Yes. Over the next month I'll be showing you how to adjust your diet to get the best results possible for fat loss or for muscles building, which reminds me, you also get access to a MONTH long course that's delivered to you through an exclusive members newsletter.


The results you see above are from fellas who actually worked hard and put the information to use. They dieted and trained.

You CANNOT expect good - or even any - results if you don't work hard.

A2A is an awesome program to help guys get OPTIMAL results, but that also means that you're going to have to give optimal effort. If you are, then pick up the program.

If you don't want to work. Do not buy the program.

Dare Might Things Inc.

Trademark 2015